Minho's vulnerability.

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The only noise was the panting coming from both of them for a couple of Minutes.

Minho licked the spot on Jisung's shoulder that he had bitten earlier.

"Are you okay, Jisung?"

Jisung took a couple more breaths before he answered, "We should do this more often... I've never felt like that before."

Minho laughed, "Watch your words, we just got done... If you say the wrong thing you will stimulate me again."

The two then shared a kiss with tongue, but it was gentle and sweet this time instead of full of hunger.

"Jisung... I would do anything for you, you have completely taken me over. You are mine, and I am yours."

Jisung smiled as Minho laughed yet again and said, "Okay I'll stop talking now, I'm not done with those heavenly lips of yours."


They both slept on the couch that night because they were too entangled with each other to get up to go to Minho's bed.

The next morning Minho woke up first and looked at Jisung, "My angel." He mumbled.

He leaned into Jisung's ear and spoke very softly, "Wake up, my love. It's morning."

Jisung stretched hearing the voice of the older and slowly opened his eyes, "Minho... Good morning."

They both stared at each other recalling what happened last night, the memories of both pleasure and love made them smile from ear to ear.

Eventually, they got up and put clothes on, and got ready for the day.

"Minho, did we sleep through your alarm?"

"I suppose so, I left my phone in our room so we probably couldn't hear it."
As Minho said this he went to get his phone and see if he had any missed messages or calls, fortuantly, he had none.

Jisung walked in and saw Minho staring at his phone, "Is there something wrong?"

"Nope... I'm yours for the entire day."

Jisung laughed and said, "What do you mean? your mine every day, even at work where you tease me?"

The older laughed and looked at his phone again, "Grab the keys and go wait in the car, we're gonna go somewhere."

Jisung grinned happily and did as he was told.

Once Minho saw that the boy was out of sight he made a phone call.

The phone rang until someone picked it up.

"I need you to come guard my house, I know that I already have people here, but I trust you and changbin more than any of them."

"We are on our way, sir."

"Thank you, Bangchan."

The call was hung up and Minho went out to the car where Jisung was waiting.

As he opened the car door and got in, he heard Jisung's voice.

"Where are we going?"

"Somewhere that plays a really big part in my life."

Jisung looked at Minho confused before he started driving.


About 10 minutes had passed by before they pulled into a very strange-looking park, I say strange because no one was there and the playground had spray paint over it.

Jisung followed Minho out of the car as they went to a bench that had a clear view of the entire playground, probably so parents could watch their kids.

"Minho, what are we doing here?"

"This place... Is basically where I grew up."

Jisung yet again had a confused face, "How so?"

"I don't know how to make this sound any less than what it actually is, so I'm going to just say it how it is... I don't have parents."

"You don't? But doesn't everyone have parents since they are born from someone?"

"No. You have the person who birthed you, a person doesn't have the privilege to be called a 'parent' unless they stick around and be good to their kids. I was dumped in this park when I was born. A lady found me and took me in and nursed me for a year, but after that, she put me in the system where all kinds of people could either have me or pass me. There was this one couple who fostered me, I don't even know their names since we weren't close, and of course, just like most people, they were only in it for the money."

Jisung's expression had the utmost pity.

"I always snuck out to meet people at the school I went to, but my fosters wanted nothing to do with me, even though they fostered me for 10 years. One day they caught me sneaking out of my window and sat me down to talk, they told me that this is why they wanted nothing to do with me. Because I was a kid who didn't listen, so of course as an 11-year-old I called them out on everything they didn't do, and how they would have found out sooner if they had just payed attention to me for once. But on that day, they put me back in the system telling people that I was rotten and arrogant, so people would hear this about me and pass me. Kids in the system do not have a fair life, first, you are given up, then it's not up to you, but it's up to random people whether you get to have a good life or not. I was smart and chose to run away because I would rather make my own life than have others make it for me."

Jisung rubbed Minho's back, "Do you think it was a good choice?"

"Of course I do, no doubt about it. But this park... I always came back hoping that just maybe, the people who left me here, would come back and take me realizing they made a mistake. But instead, I waited at this park for a very very long time with false hope. The thought of nobody wanting you should be taken more seriously than how it's taken nowadays, it tears you apart from the inside out... I've never taken anyone here."

Jisung got off the bench and crouched in front of Minho, "I want you."

Minho's face froze and tensed at the same time as Jisung continued.

"I really, really want you. And I want to apologize to you... I'm sorry that it has taken me this long to find you."

As Jisung said this he saw a single tear roll down Minho's cheek. The younger wiped it away, "In your sadness, your anger, your happiness, and in your slumps, I will always be here, and I will always want you."

Minho laughed with watery eyes, the laugh sounded relieved and happy both at the same time. Jisung stood up pulling Minho up off the bench and hugged him tightly.

Minho returned the tight hug and had even more tears fall from his pool eyes.

Jisung spoke again with his face almost in the crook of the olders neck, "Even though I may not understand, I know that it was hard going through all of that alone, and I can't tell you enough how much I love you, but maybe throughout our entire lives, I will be able to show you all of what you missed."

Minho hugged Jisung even tighter, "I don't deserve you, Jisung."

"But that's the thing... You do. Thank you for bringing me here and opening my eyes to this side of you, I love you."

Minho broke the hug and stared Jisung in the eyes.

"I love you too."

Just then, Minho got a call from Suengmin.



I am so sorry for this long leave that I have made, but I am back and ready to write to my heart's content!!

It wasn't easy going on these days without all of you, I read all of your comments and I am truly grateful! I really couldn't ask for better readers!

But during this time I have been gone, I have been writing yet another Minsung story that is soon to come out, hint: It's about vampires!

I will still work on all of my story's so please look forward to it all!💜

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