Unknown call.

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Jisung was in shock as he bit his lips thinking about what just happened, Minho brought up his hand and caressed Jisung's face, "I'm sorry sweetheart, I couldn't help it."

Jisung smiled and asked, "So, this is your answer...Right?"


Minho chuckled and rubbed Jisung's thighs, "My answer is I like you, Jisung. I think I love you."

Jisung tightened his hold on Minho's waist with his legs, which made Minho smirk, and Jisung said, "I don't like you, I love you, Minho."

Minho smiled happily and kissed Jisung again, but this time it was a soft one.

After a Minute Minho broke the kiss and laughed, "We should get out of this position before someone comes in and sees us like this."

Jisung made a sad look and Minho placed a peck on the youngers temple, then he whispered, "Believe me, Jisung, I don't want to move either, especially with your legs around me like this, but we can't let anyone see."

Jisung understood and they both got situated standing in front of each other, Suddenly, Minho decided to cup Jisung's face, "So cute." He muttered, "You belong to me now."


A little while later, work was almost over and done with, and it was time for Minho to go back to Antonio since he had been delayed, "Jisung, I'm going to go finish up the job with Antonio, do you want to come?"

"As much as I would love to see you beat him up, I'm gonna stay in here and get the rest of my work done."

Minho went over and leaned on Jisung's desk, "Oh come on, I'm basically the teacher, and you're a student, You don't have to do the work and I will still give you an A+, so just come with me." Minho said jokingly.

Jisung laughed as well and said, "I don't know.."

Minho rolled his eyes then leaned into Jisung's face and kissed him almost quickly pulling back, "How about now, Jisung?"

Jisung smiled in defeat and said, "Now I can't say no."

Minho laughed and they headed down towards the basement.

When they got there they saw Antonio sitting in this same chair with blood all around it and all over him.

They both saw the awful state that Antonio was in, and when Antonio saw Minho he started to feel the pain that he wasn't even feeling yet, then he groaned as he stopped slumping and said, "Sir... I ... Just don't understand why you are doing all this just for... HAN."

Minho walked over to Antonio and crossed his arms while Jisung stood beside him, "I didn't know either, but I do now, and guess what... It's none of your business."

Antonio closed his eyes knowing no matter what he said was going to prevent what was about to happen.

So Minho got the knives and all the equipment he needed and began Antonio's torture.

Afterward, he had Seungmin immediately come in with some members to get Antonio something to eat and drink and have him go home and stay there until he was healed.

After everyone was gone, it was just him and Jisung in the basement, When Minho noticed it was just the two he grabbed Jisung and pulled him in and yet again smashed his lips on the younger, Minho placed a hand on the bottom of Jisung's jaw tilting his head up higher so Minho had more access to his mouth, once Jisung felt Minho deepen the kiss he quickly pulled back which caught Minho off guard, "Why are you kissing me so much?" Jisung said with a smile on his face.

Minho grabbed Jisung's hands "Because I can't help it.. As a mafia boss I can get whatever I want, so all those times I wanted to kiss you and I couldn't was ten times harder for me then it would have been for anyone else.. I want to kiss you freely now, with no room for the word restraint."

Jisung felt captivated by Minho's words but suddenly, Minho's phone started to ring, When Minho looked at his phone the number was unknown.

Minho answered it and the thing he heard made him grip Jisung's hand even harder.

"This is the leader of 3RACHA, and if you don't want J.one to end up in our hands, you will do as I say."

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