second to last.

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It has come to my attention that a lot of people are wanting two more chapters instead of just one. I'm here to grant your wish.💜 The next chapter will be the last one, not this one.


"It's interesting you brought those things up. You see, there are limits when it comes to pain, but there are none...when it comes to fear."

Kai was extremely confused, but then Minho pointed the gun at his own head and pulled the trigger. No bullet. He then pointed the gun at Kai's head, causing Kai to take a quick intake of breath, and then he pulled the trigger. No bullet.

Once he pulled the trigger and no bullet came out Kai let out the breath he was holding in.

Minho smirked and spun the gun's wheel again before clicking it back in and pointing it at his own head, he pulled the trigger. No bullet. He pointed it at Kai's head and pulled the trigger. No bullet.

"W-What kind of sick game is this?!" Kai exclaimed.

Minho smirked and pulled the gun wheel out, spun it, and clicked it back in.

"I guess the third time's the charm, huh?"


Kai's breath was moving heavily with fear. "If you're going to kill me then just do it!!"

"Tsk tsk really have no idea how far I can take this, do you?" Minho smirked, "my levels of torture are some that one person can only dream of in their nightmares. Not only the physical pain.." Minho pointed at his head, "but also the mental state of your body.."

Kai was shaking, trembling, he had never been more scared in his life. "Y-You can take everything of mine! My gang, my money, my weapons...but please don't kill me!"

Minho chuckled, "God, that's so rich of you to say, huh? I'm going to take all of that stuff already know the reason I'm doing this, Kai."

"Jisung owed us money!" Kai shouted.

"No. His dad owed you money, his father died.. meaning you just need to forget about that money..but I guess it's to late for that now, huh?"

Minho looked at his members. "Get him ready for the the snakes.."

Kai widened his eyes as Minho turned to wall out.

"W-Wait, what do you mean by snakes! Wait..please!!"

Minho was already out of the place. He took out his phone and thought of calling Jisung..but he don't want to disturb him if he was still he stood there and closed his eyes as he thought about what him and Jisung were going to do once this was all over.

About a half hour later, he walked back into the place and saw Kai still tied up with tape on his mouth as he was trying to scream, there was a huge container that could fit a body with snakes in it..

"There wasn't a this is going to have to do."

Kai continued to scream as Minho walked up to him.

"I think the best way you to to die the way you intended my beloved to. I hope you have fun, asshole."

Minho then shoved Kai into the container of snakes as the members quickly put the lid on top.

The snakes instantly started to bite into Kai as if they hadn't eaten in decades.

The screams filled his ears and he loved it so much, Minho looked at his members.

"When it done clean it up."

The members nodded and bowed as Minho left the scene to go back to Jisung.

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