Sleeping Together.

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After the pain session with Antonio was over the floor was covered in blood. Jisung didn't bother to pay attention to Antonio even after what he did to him, even though he was more than happy that he was getting tortured, his focus was only on Minho and how he became a different person when he acted like a mafia boss.

Minho ended up getting a rag and wiping his hands clean from the blood after they left the basement, Minho didn't know if Antonio had enough fight left in him for the third day, but he didn't care.

Once he wiped his hands he turned to Jisung, "Are you ready to go home?"

Jisung was too tired to comprehend what Minho had said and it took him a minute to respond, Minho noticed. "Um, yeah I'm ready."

"Okay, let's go."

Jisung turned around to go outside but stumbled a little bit causing Minho's reflexes to kick in and raise his hand and place it on Jisung's back. "Are you okay? Can you walk?" Minho asked knowing that Jisung was tired.

"Yeah I'm fine, and I should be good to walk."

Minho nodded his head reluctantly knowing that Jisung was going to continue to stumble so as Jisung walked Minho left his hand on Jisung's back as they both went outside and made it to his car.

"Here, get in slowly," Minho said as he guided Jisung carefully into the passenger seat.

Afterwards..Minho got into his car and started to drive back home.

"Jisung, I want to talk to you."

"..Have at it," Jisung said tiredly.

"I know that you didn't take those pills to end your life, I know you didn't. But I would like to know the real reason you took so many of those pills, Jisung."

Jisung adjusted the way he was sitting and said, "It's...Complicated."

"Well, I'm prepared to hear it."

"I was just having trouble sleeping, like really bad trouble...To the point that even when I took one of the pills I just couldn't get tired enough to close my eyes."

Minho poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue because he was confused, "I don't understand, the past few nights that you have slept with me on the couch you went to sleep immediately."

"Exactly, at first I thought it was the couch that helped me sleep, but when I thought about it I realized that the couch wasn't even that comfortable so that couldn't be it, the actual reason I went to sleep so fast...Was because of you."

Minho was silent for a minute, he didn't know what to say.., "Me? What do you mean?"

"I don't know how but..Your presence comforts me, you in general just comfort me. So what I'm meaning to say is that I truthfully can't sleep unless...I'm sleeping with you."

Minho accidentally took his foot off the gas pedal in shock and quickly put his foot back on once he noticed the car was slowing down.

"Um..S-So, what does that mean?"

Jisung laughed cutely at Minho's stutter and answered his question by saying, "It means that if it's alright with you and ONLY if it's alright with you, I would like to start sleeping with you."

Minho instantly swallowed and started to sweat, he felt his body burn and he cleared his throat feeling very stupid and embarrassed that he would react so strongly to the younger's words.

"Yeah...I guess it's fine."

Jisung repressed his smile by piercing his lips together.

He spent the rest of the drive looking at the window wondering how sleeping with Minho from now on was going to go.


They arrived at the house and went inside, Minho offered Jisung some pajamas but he rejected it because he secretly loved being in Minho's hoodie, it was so big he could sink in it if he wanted to.

"So...Are we going to sleep on the couch again?" Jisung asked.

"No, not tonight, The couch has been messing up my back and honestly, my legs are becoming a little soar from you laying on them all night." Minho laughed after he said that.

Jisung chuckled a little bit as well and realized something as Minho was moving his pillows around for two people to sleep, "Wait...Are we both sleeping on your bed?"

Minho smirked, "Yeah, is there a problem?"

"No, not at all, let's sleep."

Minho knew that he could have chosen either the floor or any of the comfy chairs or beanbags he had in the house for them both to sleep, but there was just something about both of them sleeping in the same bed that made him happy and not just any bed...His bed...

They got into bed and Jisung awkwardly kept his distance out of respect for Minho.

But he again was having trouble sleeping, so he had no choice but to ask, "Minho, I'm sorry for asking this but...I told you earlier that I couldn't sleep without you, but it seems I literally can't sleep without being close to you, can I scoot closer to you?"

Jisung got confused when Minho's eyes literally widened a little bit with happiness and then changed to be a tease. Minho reached his arm over Jisung and pulled him in close by his waist and kept his hand there and said, "I was hoping you would ask.."

I'm back!! I'm sorry for the high delay in posting another chapter! I love posting for all of you lovely people!

But I hope you like this chapter!💜💜

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