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Hello, my lovelys! I know it's been a while since I have updated and I'm so sorry for that! If the recap is not enough feel free to go read the previous chapter...I am devoting this chapter to all of you out there who support me and motivate me. Just know that I recognize you all and I have liked all of your comments whether you know it or not.🫣

Anyway, enjoy this chapter, lovelys!


Minho scoffed not even trying to hide anything anymore, "You really don't know? Isn't it obvious, or are you just stupid?... He is the man I love. Do you understand that? Do you understand the person you just shot is the man I love!" Minho had shouted a little bit.

"I do now.."

Minho felt so much anger that all he could do was laugh, "I hope you keep being brave because that is going to make it so much more fun when I fucking break you."

Minho signaled his members to take Kai, and he shot everybody else...

Seungmin followed Minho, "Sir, where are you going?"

"Is that even a question you need to ask, Seungmin? I'm going to Jisung."

"Well, what are you going to do about Kai?"

Minho stayed silent before speaking once more, "You think what I did to Antonio was bad? You haven't seen anything yet."


Minho got in an empty car with no guards and drove himself to the hospital where Jisung was.

As he was driving he clenched the steering wheel with his fingers hoping that the car he was driving would go faster.

It had already been an hour since Jisung was taken to the hospital..but Minho was very uneasy.

He tried to remain calm and keep his strong demeanor. But even though his face was calm and collected, the tears that rolled down his face expressed true pain and fear.


He eventually made it to the hospital and ran inside after he Parked. He was quickly stopped by a nurse with short brown hair and blue eyes.

Her voice sounded like she had been working for days, but she tried to sound as nice as possible. "Hello, sir. Is there an emergency?"

Minho took a couple of deep breaths, "There was a man who came to the emergency room about an hour and a half ago, do you know where he is?"

The nurse slowly nodded, "Are you a family member or..?"

"I'm his boyfriend, please take me to him."

The nurse again nodded and started walking as Minho followed behind her...Minho walked past tons of hospital rooms. Some with children and some with adults. But suddenly, the nurse stopped in front of a room and pointed at its door.

"This is the room he is in. I recommend being quiet since he is sleeping, even though it's okay for him to wake up, he needs as much rest as possible."

Minho nodded as the nurse bowed and walked away.

He then rushed into the room with quiet breaths of worry and hope.

He saw Jisung sleeping in a hospital bed. The blanket was covering his body so he couldn't see the gun wound...

Minho shut the door quietly and pulled one of the hospital chairs next to the bed as he sat down and just stared at Jisung.

He slowly brought up his hand and held Jisung's with a tight but gentle grip.

He promised himself he wouldn't cry, but when the man you love is right in front of you resting after surgery for a gunshot wound... That promise is extremely hard to keep.


1 hour later

Jisung woke up with blurry vision as his eyes were adjusting to his first all he saw was the ceiling, but when he turned his head, he saw Minho silently sleeping in a chair as his hand held his.

He didn't know what to do.. should he wake Minho up? Or let him sleep? He was caught between those decisions like how people are caught between crying and laughing.

But he decided he wanted to talk with Minho, so he gently squeezed his hand to wake him up...

And it worked. Minho slowly but surely opened his eyes, and as soon as he saw Jisung awake he leaned forward and caressed his face with his free hand.

He spoke with a soft whisper, "Hey, love. How are you feeling?"

Jisung smiled, "I'm feeling fine, but now that I see you here with me, I know I will make it through this with a smile on my face."

"Don't give me too much credit." Minho scoffed at himself and continued to speak but with a disappointed tone, "If I had just stayed by your side a second would not have to be in this situation.."

Jisung's expression suddenly turned serious and he squeezed Minho's hand again. "Don't you dare blame yourself, Minho. You couldn't have known this was to happen... I'm okay, so let it go and smile at me."

Minho continued to caress Jisung's face and he smiled, but a tear went down his face. Not because he was sad, but because Jisung didn't blame him like he blamed himself.

"Jisung..I was so scared that you...that you would-"

"Don't say it," Jisung interrupted, "My heart is beating, I'm breathing in front of your eyes, think of that instead."

Minho smiled, "How are you so positive in a position like this."

"Because I have you by my side, that's all the reason I need."

Minho chuckled, he then leaned into Jisung's face and kissed him gently. When he pulled back he felt Jisung squeeze his hand again.

"Jisung, just know that I will take care of everything...I promise."

Jisung let go of his hand and then wiped away the dry tear on Minho's face. "By mean 3RACHA'S boss?"

Minho nods, "Him and Jackson. I will make them regret and pay for what they did to you, Jisung. Trust me."

Jisung smiled, "I do. More than you know."

Minho leaned in and kissed Jisung again before sitting back down.

"I will stay by your side until you fall asleep again, and then I will go give them the punishment they deserve."


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