The morning for two.

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He started gently shaking the sleeping boy but got no response. So he shook a little harder and jisung started moving a little bit. "Jisungie, it's time to get up." he whispered.

"Minhooo" Was all jisung could mumble out.

Minho's breathe hitched..the way jisung said his name made him love it.

He leaned back thinking of a way to get him up.

Is he ticklish?

He started tickling Jisung's stomach, and jisung shot up laughing causing Minho to laugh as well.

"Okay okay I'm up" he said with a chuckle.

"How did you sleep, sungie?"

Jisung stretched. "That was one of the best sleeps of my life."

Minho seemed satisfied with the youngers answer. He then got up off the couch and headed towards the bathroom to get ready. He didn't bother shutting the door and grabbed his toothbrush and toothpaste.

"Hey Minho..?"

Minho turned to see jisung leaning on the door.

"Do you have an extra toothbrush?"

Minho laughed a little, then grabbed another toothbrush from his open and close mirror. "Who doesn't?"

Jisung bowed in thanks and took the toothbrush from his hand.

After Minho used the toothpaste the younger used it as well.

They both spat in the sink and Minho turned to look at jisung up and down. "Do you have any clothes?"

Jisung shook his head no.

"Then follow me." Minho said.

Minho walked into his room to his closet with jisung behind him.

Jisung thought his room was beautiful but when he saw Minho's he was starstruck. The walls were a purple Black-ish color, which kind of matched Minho's personality. The floor was dark brown tile and it was so shiny it looked slippery. His bed was in front of a big bed frame that had a red L.E.D light on top and a black background. He couldn't really put in words how magical the room looked.  ('s totally not the author that can't put it in words..😭)

"Your room is.. breathtaking." Jisung said still looking around.

"Really? thank you."

Jisung looked in minho's direction.

"Your right, a room should look like it's owner." Jisung said shyly.

Minho looked at jisung. He felt heat rise in his belly at the compliment.

"Um, w-what do you usually wear?"

"A hoodie and sweatpants."

He looked in his closet and took out black hoodie and some black sweats with a Nike on both of them. "Go put  these on in the bathroom while I change in here."

Jisung obeyed and left to change in the bathroom.


Minho walked out of his room to see jisung patiently waiting by the front door..While he had Minho's hoodie pressed against his nose smelling it..

Minho held back a laugh. The younger was just so cute to him. He walked over to him and grabbed his shoulder making him jump.


"Why are you smelling my hoodie, sungie?"

"Oh..It's nothing, smells good, it's also really comfy."

Minho tried his best not to widen his eyes.

Jisungie, your making me soft hearted.

"Thank you, you can have it then."

Jisung got excited. "Thank you Minho, thank you so much." he said as he bowed.

Minho walked out the front door and smiled.

(Little A/N)
THIS ISNT THE END OF THE CHAPTER! I just wanted to take this moment to tell all of you beautiful people thank you for reading my book. I read all your comments and enjoy all your views.💜💜 I hope you know that it doesn't go unoticed. I will always acknowledge you lovelys.🥰✨

They got in the car and Minho started started driving. Jisung hated the silence..again.

I guess he has to concentrate on driving.

But he started shaking his leg out of anxiety thinking about what's going to happen with Antonio today. And even though he thought Minho wasn't paying attention..he was.

"Are you nervous or something?"

Jisung tensed up at the question.

"Nervous?? why would I be nervous?"

"I don't know, sungie, you tell me."

"I-I'm not, I'm fine."

Minho started thinking of all the things that could be wrong and only one thing could come to mind. "Are you scared of me?"

Jisung looked at Minho. "Wait what? no of course not."

Minho didn't reply. He sat there looking mad, but yet also sad.

What's his deal, why does it even matter if I'm scared of him or not. But he seems really effected by it.

"Minho, I promise I'm not scared of you."

Minho started thinking again. If jisung was really scared of him then he wouldn't have asked to lay in his lap. Or compliment him. Or even smile around him. "Really? your not?"

"No. No at all. If I'm being honest. I haven't yet found the side of you that makes the other members so afraid of you."

Of course you haven't. Because that's a side you will see. But never experience.
Minho thought.

Soon..they pulled up to the building and got out the car.

"Hey Minho, quick question..When do you end up falling asleep after I did?"

"Um.." Minho hesitated. He didn't want to tell him that he stayed up for 30 minutes after the younger went to sleep so he could make sure that he stayed asleep.

"Um..very shortly after you did."

Jisung nodded is head in a way that said he understood.

" do you know that I didn't fall asleep before you did?"

"Because I felt you massaging behind my ear."

Minho actually widened his eyes this time. "...You felt that?"

"Yeah..thanks for it, it put me right to sleep."

" problem." Minho swiftly turned around and started walking in. He didn't know why he was so embarrassed but he was.

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