The truth- The entire truth.

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Minho knew exactly why he said why he just said. Just now when jisung said his name, it felt like hell to even imagine jisung not saying his name.

Then they both went inside. And jisung was still thinking about was just him it was


Minho threw his keys on the counter and stretched. "It's been a long day." He mumbled.

He turned around and saw jisung just standing there not knowing what to do. Minho walked up to jisung and stood there.

"You ready to talk?" Minho asked.

Jisung looked at the couch then back at Minho. "Do you not want to sit down first?"

"I don't think what we're about to talk about is a sit down conversation."

Jisung anxiously scratched his neck. "You told me stop worrying. But I can't help but feel like I'm going to worry about this conversation."

"Maybe you will be maybe you won' the end you will know the truth and that's all that matters."

Jisung waited.

"But first I want to ask a question that may hit a sensitive spot for you."

Jisung then stood straight. "Go ahead."

"..How did you escape Taemin and Jackson?"

Jisung again nervously scratched his neck, clearly uncomfortable. Minho took jisung's hand and carresed it with his thumb. "It's okay jisung..take your time."

"W-Well, when they weren't beating me, they locked me in a cell. On the fourth day..Jackson and Taemin were standing outside my cell taunting and making fun of me, saying I was a baby for groaning every time they whipped me."

Minho let go of jisung's hand so he could clentch his own.

"I saw the key to the cell in Jackson's shirt pocket. I didn't waste time and acted mad and pushed Jackson through the cell bars as I sneakily snatched the key. Then after they walked away I unlocked it and and ran away. I ran for hours upon hours.'

Minho then had a new question arise in his mind. "Jisung..I want you to tell me what you meant when you said it was you they wanted..why?'

Jisung then took in a deep breathe. "N-No..I can't..I j-just.." jisung was panicking.

Minho gripped jisung's shoulder with one hand and squeezed his hand with the other. "Jisung look into my is important that you tell me this because our Mafia is in danger. I'm right here next to you and nothing is going to happen..I promise. Just calm down and speak."

Jisung nodded and closed his eyes to calm down, when he opened them he was ready to talk.

"3RACHA was a very very small gang when I joined. And I had only joined because I didn't have a job and I needed money. Apparently since I was really good at my Job they wanted to keep there and offered to pay me extra. I couldn't say no. 2 years had passed and one day I was about to knock on my bosses door to ask him what my next job would be, but then I heard people talking. And that's when I found out why they were keeping me."

Minho waited impatiently.

"My dad died when I was 14 years old by suicide. He owed 3RACHA millions of dollars for his drug purchases but since he didn't have the money give... the gang was going to go after him, that's why he killed himself. When they found out I was his son, they kept me until I had enough money to pay off his debt"

Minho's eyes grew with sympathy since he didn't know that about his dad. And jisung continued talking.

"3RACHA has this cruel method of torture called 'the snakes.' It's when you tie someone up then starve and thirst them for days. As soon as you are about to die, they untie you and throw you in a pit that they have filled with venomes snakes that feed on human flesh. They will eat you alive. You will be awake feeling everything but unable to move since your body is to weak. That's what they were going to do to me, but then the boss opened the door and saw me standing there with a pale look on my face. Then I ran."

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