The Files

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Minho answered with a quickness but before he could speak Jisung's voice was heard. "Minho, did you make it to work?"
Minho laughed at how cute Jisung was. "Yeah I did, is that why you called?"

"I didn't want to bother you but, I am eager to know what you were going to say to me in the hospital.."

Minho was caught off guard by the question and tried to dismiss it. "That's why you called?" Minho had never wanted to end a call with him so badly, "You should be resting now, goodbye." He then hung up and took a deep breath.

Jisung wasn't expecting it. He couldn't stop thinking about what Minho was going to say to him and what he DID say to him.

'When you look at me I can feel my heart beating through my chest, I can hear you say my name and get this odd sensation throughout my body, you make me feel a way I've never felt before..' Those words were playing again and again in Jisung's head like an old record player that got jammed and wouldn't stop playing music.

"A way I've never felt before...A way I've never felt before?" He mumbled to himself about 10 times before he whined like a 5-year-old, "What the hell does he mean by that??"

Jisung went on his phone and was about to call Minho once again but the doctor came in and interrupted him with a tray of food in his hands. "Jisung? Why aren't you asleep young man? Your body needs to rest to get your strength back."

Jisung whined, "I know, but I can't go to sleep, I'm not tired."

"I see...I was going to set this aside and wait for you to wake up, but I guess no one can sleep with an empty stomach, eat this first but you better go to sleep afterward okay?"

"Yeah yeah, I got it."

The doctor gave Jisung a suspicious look before getting up and leaving Jisung alone with the tray of food.

Jisung just loved hospital food, even though it couldn't compare to taco bell, It was second on his list..yes, a list.

But anyway, after Jisung finished eating he fell straight into dreamland.


Meanwhile, Seungmin came in with two files and laid them in front of Minho, "These are all we could dig up on Taemin and Jackson from 3RACHA, as you know when people join gangs, most of them have their records and everything removed, so even this was hard to get."

Minho looked at the thin files in front of him and opened Jackson's.

"hmm, it says here that Jackson was known for drinking and starting fights in bars, and.." Minho trailed off switching to the next page, "He went to jail for a year for assaulting a police officer, and after he got out it shows nothing else here..And that's probably because he joined the gang at this time?"

Seungmin nodded his head in approval, and then Minho opened Taemin's. "Is this real? He was an ex-martial arts teacher but he was fired because he was too harsh on the children?"

Seungmin again nodded his head.

Minho then slammed his fits on his desk and said, "Lowlifes like them are the ones that tortured Jisung??"

"Calm down sir, I'm sure once we take down BTS and 3RACHA you will have your revenge, but for now, you must be patient."

Minho angrily agreed knowing, the feeling of knowing what he was going to do to those two gave him peace of mind...


The day passed by very slowly without Jisung, and Minho found himself missing him more and more...

It was 7:00 pm and Minho had said goodbye to Seungmin, then he heard a knock come from the door he was about to walk out of...

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