Bonus chapter- part 2

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"Do you remember what you said when you were in the hospital, after getting shot? I asked how you were so positive and okay even in a situation like that, and you said..'Because I have you by my side, that's all the reason I need.' at that moment, I knew more than anything I wanted to marry you, so of course..I can take the rest of the day off amd more days after that if thats what you wish."

Jisung giggled, his clothes still dripping water. "Let's go." He said excitedly as he grabbed Minho's hand and ran out of the office.


As they both ran out of the large building into the pouring rain, Jisung giggled and yanked Minho into the middle of the street.
No cars were coming of course.

"Dance with me.." Jisung mumbled into Minhos chest.

Minho lifted Jisung's chin with his index finger and and smiled. "Of course, my love."

They inlocked fingers and began to dance gracefully under the tears of the sky, each step made a small splash and each smile made a whole heart. Nothing was in their way and nothing ever could be.

Minho realized that happiness wasn't as far away as he thought, that it was literally dancing with him at this moment. He couldn't love anybody else, it wasn't possible.

Minho then gripped Jisung's waist to stop him from dancing, the rain still pouring.

"Minho, what's wrong? Are you alright?" Jisung asked softly.

But Minho felt so overwhelmed with emotions that all he did was let out a small chuckle, he grabbed Jisung's hand and rested on his cheek as he leaned into it. "If I become a rock I would be your foundation, if I become darkness you will be my light. No matter what we are made for each other. I can't imagine my life without you and I don't have too. Jisung, you are my life. You are my ego and you are my pride... don't ever leave me?" The last part sounded like a question of desperation.

Even with all these words said Jisung kept his precious smile and gleaming eyes. "Minho," he leaned his forehead against his, "not in this lifetime or any others will I ever leave your side."

Jisung sealed those words with a soft kiss, and then said the only three words that came to mind.

"I love you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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