Chapter 11

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"hyu-.....why are you just staring at me?"
"why are you not responding Taetae?"
Jungkook slowly walked towards his hyungie who seemed to stand there like a statue, the more he walked towards Taehyung, it seemed as if he was not getting any nearer.
"Koo, baby?"
Jungkook immediately turned around seeing his family all behind him smiling at him, in a artificial way as if they were forced. Jungkook only started running towards them panicking as he was not able to reach them either. Suddenly all went black and he gasped, feeling of terror creeping up. All of a sudden a figure stood in front of him, the eyes he never wanted to meet again, looking at him with lust and anger, the man's hands reaching out to his neck. Jungkook tried running away from the monster of an ex boyfriend but only stumbled, screeching as he felt himself loosing balance and going to have his face contact with the hard floor, but the scene seemed to go back to the previous one. Taehyung and his family all in front of him. Now he slowly tried walking towards them frowning as they seemed to reduce in opacity as he neared them. Widening his eyes in fear, when they vanished into thin air as he was going to touch them.

Gasping for air, body all covered in cold sweat Jungkook got up, not able to bear the agonizing dream any more.

It seemed as if the scared boy was not able to breathe properly, repeatedly gasping for air like there was no more oxygen left in the room, everything becoming more humid and warm, his head spinning not able to comprehend anything. He quickly Took his phone calling the first number in the recent calls, the call directly going to his best friend Jimin's. After a ring or two the robot voice saying that the number is switched off. 

The poor bunny felt his eyes trickle with tears as his head started throbbing very hard. His breath not stabilizing, still gasping for air, his trembling fingers made the next call to the second number.

Hello?....Bun?....Are you okay...what happened, you called at 3.00 am, are you alright?

H-yungi-e....*gasp*....c-can't b-rea *gasp* -th.

Hello...HELLO!!!....Sweetheart....wait for me yeah?...don't worry I will be there quickly, please breath and take deep breaths okay...?....Bun?

*gasp* Mh-mm...

Koo, baby...You can't talk much if your breathing is irregular, please try to calm yourself, I'll be there, I am driving there right now okay....don't be scared.

O-okay *gasp*

Taehyung worriedly glanced at the road that was so empty, revving the engine of his car trying to rush to his bunno's home as soon as possible as the younger cut the phone. He was confused as to what happened. It seemed like Jungkook was having panic attack or something like that. They have got to know each other for these three months and nothing like this has ever happened.

Rushing on his way, Taehyung quickly climbed the steps of the younger's apartment and typed the code thankful that it was his birthday date and not some random number making it easy for his to remember it at this panicky moment.

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