Chapter 23

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Hands intertwined, bodies close with no space left

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Hands intertwined, bodies close with no space left...The younger boy was blushing as he placed his face in the crook of his lover's neck and they swayed their bodies to the tune of the saxophone. Taehyung was smiling fondly, heart overflowing with love and happiness at his cute boyfriend. 

Today was a day off for both the busy couple and they decided to make it to be the most cheesiest and romantic one they could. After all the emotional rollercoaster of probably being soulmates and stuff, they were again put into the abyss of never ending work and projects and this day off was a well deserved one. The next two days being a weekend then the Monday and Tuesday being public holidays, they were basically getting a short vacation.

They started the day, freshening up and going to the kitchen to make their breakfast. Jungkook was gathering all the ingredients, when he felt the elder wrapping his arms around his waist and lifting him to place him on the counter...the bunno gasping in surprise...basically making out for the next twenty minutes and separating only when their stomach growled in hunger. They were feeding each other...from the same plate and using two spoons...quite cheesy if you ask me.

Then they were decided to see a romantic movie when in between the movie marathon Taehyung suddenly decided to get up and turn off the television and set up the record player and put on the saxophone melodies of his favorite artist. Gently taking the arms of his lover, he guided Jungkook to the middle of the living room and placed his arms on the younger's waist making the other blush...slowly swaying to the rhythm they were lost in each other's eyes.

Three weeks before when they moved in and felt vulnerable about finding about everything, still confused and unclear, they were happy that work distracted them from worrying about it more than required and they decided to enjoy their wonderful small vacation.
Taehyung hugged the bunno closer and nuzzled to his chubby baby cheeks that were glowing pink from the start of their small romantic dance....but soon frowned as the bunno pulled away with a whine.

"'s very warm today...don't hug me this close" he whined pouting while the sweater and the thick sweatpants that he was wearing was not helping as a matter of fact. The elder only smiled, eyes sparkling at the sudden idea that podded into his mind.

"Let's go to the swimming pool baby" he suggested laughing as the bunny literally hopped to their bedroom squealing adorably to take out his swimming trunks....the warm evening would be a very good contrast to the cold pool and they could still continue their romantic day without not being able to be close to each other.



"AAhahaaaha!...." Taehyung laughed as the giggling young boy was taking revenge by splashing the water onto him just like he did a few seconds ago. They were enjoying every bit of the early evening, but soon...

"Hyungie....umm...I--I know" Jungkook hesitated, trying to come up with a more non overwhelming way that he could say this to his boyfriend while the elder noticed it right away and came near the fiddling boy to calm him down.

"It's okay sweetheart, tell me what's bothering you?" he asked leading the other's hand over his shoulder and gently holding onto his waist, caressing them slightly sending shivers to the younger.

"I told you about my grandmother that day right?.....she used to tell me all these stories and experiences of the soulmate and stuff like that....It might seem too crazy, but please hyungie, can we go to Busan and meet my grandma?....I want to know what was the deal of the ticket...I also saw many weird dreams.." he was spilling out all his worries that he kept hidden in his mind for all these days, while a mildly surprised Taehyung was trying to calm him down, running his hands over the others smooth back.

"T-that day, w-when I got the panic attack and you came at night....I..I saw a dream and I saw all of you just slipping away f-from me....K-kang was also there, h-he was trying to" Jungkook gulped not being able to describe the terrifying dream anymore. He did not say anything fully, but the worry and fear was clear in him. He looked helplessly to the other's eyes trying to get any response as the elder was speechless. 

He was so sorry and feeling bad for his boyfriend. The younger had been keeping all these to himself all this days and suffering alone?
"Baby, were you so protective of me at first because you thought something will happen to me like it happened to you the day we met?" he finally asked the question that he assumed for all these days, eyes tearing up as the bunno nodded his head. His sweet boyfriend had been worrying over this fact and has been trying to keep him safe from the first. No wonder the boy got scared even if a bike whirred past him like three feet away.

But now they were happy as they found the same piece of red paper at the elder's home. It was exactly the same one with the same date, which means it meant something else other than anything tragic and they both wanted to know what it meant. Taehyung looked into the younger's eyes, his own filled with love and warmth, lips forming a fond smile and he hugged the boy closer.

"We can definitely go there sweetheart" he assured the boy, giving a long peck on his forehead as Jungkook smiled , a teardrop escaping from his bambi eyes as they both inched closer and closer to seal their lips, pouring all the longing and love they have for each other.

Taehyung was never against the idea of going to the younger's home in Busan. Heck he is actually delighted over the fact that he is going to meet his bunno's parents and his lovely grandmother who he keeps talking about non stop. He is excited. He is happy that Jungkook is recovering fast from all the sad past and mild trauma. 

This precious being in front of him, clutching onto him with so much love did not deserve to be treated this badly as he was in the past. Sometimes thinking about that dead man wants Taehyung to bring him back to life and then kill him again in a cruel way. He is willing to do anything and everything he can to make the younger's life happy and filled only with love and affection.



This was kind of a boring chapter with nothin much of a plot...but you know chapters like these are essential for the story to move forward...I was seriously thinking how to move things to write a good smut in this chapter, but the situation seemed to emotional to have one...I'll probably write one within 3 or 5 chapters...Love you guys...Take care of your health and sleep well<3


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