Chapter 54

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"Babyyyy get up"

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"Babyyyy get up"



"Koooo, sweetheart, we have a date today, wake up love"

Its funny how Taehyung knows Jungkook won't wake up like that. It's literally the same routine every morning, yet he likes to call him, tickle the younger and kiss his face till Jungkook whines and rolls himself to a ball hiding inside the blanket only for the elder to pick him up like a baby and go to freshen up together.

Being a HEAVY sleeper, the younger never wakes up when Taehyung calls him. He just hums and lays there, whining and pouting when he is disturbed, but still retorts back to sleeping as soon as the tickle or kissing attacks are stopped. 

"ˢˡᵉᵉᵖᵖʸʸʸʸ" the younger mumbled in tiny as he rubbed his nose in the warm and soft sheets when his brown hair tickled them. Taehyung chuckled seeing the cutie, this boy could literally sleep for two whole days and still be sleepy by the third day night, that's how much he loves to sleep.

Slowly he crept his hands to the tiny exposed waist, caressing and tickling them slightly only for Jungkook to fidget with his arms trying to remove them from touching him.
"Hyungie, stay no" Jungkook started saying gibberish in his sleep while the elder was controlling his laugh seeing him. After a lot of struggles, in the end he managed to make Jungkook sit upright on the bed, eyes still closed and lips forming a pout because his sleep was disturbed.

"Let's get ready now and start, or else I'm going to go and taste all the food in the restaurant you wanted to go" Taehyung whispered in the half asleep man's ears making him whine and give his bunny punches that causes -2% damage. Today the hyungs will be full on working in setting up the last minute preparations and walking around the hotel and the venue near it, Taehyung does not want to risk it at all. If by any chance Jungkook goes out of their room and sees them, then the surprise is all spoiled. Moreover, in the name of making him stay away from the hotel and venue, he gets to go on a date, what more could he want...its a totally win win situation.

Soon the adorable couple were on the streets of Milan headed straight to the city center to the Merchant's Square. They just decided to see as many places as they can and focus more on trying a lot of dishes in Italy. I mean, who can pass on the delicious cuisine of the country?

The Piazza dei Mercanti was huge and a lot of tourists were there taking pictures. A woman happily helped them take pictures when they asked her. There were many local markets selling small goods and eatables also luckily the day was chill instead of warm and humid.

They went to a breakfast place and tried some Brunch Torte that was made with eggs and was filled with delicious cheese, vegetables and spinach, and a savory and spicy tomato sauce over it. They also ordered some Ricotta Pancakes, they were surprised on how delicious the pancaked were because they were skeptical about the cheese in it. Then as the restaurant's usual complementary sides, they were given very tasty breads and dips with garlic and cheese. Jungkook was laughing so hard seeing how Taehyung face twisted after tasting the espresso, looks like it wasn't his cup of "tae" while Jungkook just had a cup of Cappuccino.

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