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Dylan Cameron

"Hey Dylan, they are waiting for you" Jessica says knocking on my dressing room door

I take a deep breath before getting out of my chair and making my way onset.

"Just a few more hours honey" Linda says rubbing my shoulder

I give her a half smile before getting in front of the camera and posing. It was hard to focus considering I had only gotten a little less than four hours of sleep.

"I know but you're doing great. Just a few more and I swear you are free to go for the rest of the day" the photographer assures me

I give him a half smile before getting my head back in the game.


"I'm so tired" I groan into my pillow

"You have been working a lot dyl. You just finished filming the show and ever since you've been back, you've been booked out solid. Photoshoot after photoshoot and then don't forget you have a fashion show on Saturday" Aspen says walking into my room

"I know, I know. I'm in desperate need of a break but I can't. After everything that's happened the last few months, I'd rather work honestly" I say looking down at my hands

"You've gotta take a break at some point and deal with it Dylan. You can't keep running away from your problems" she says crossing her arms

I don't say anything because I know she's right. I had been avoiding a lot of things these past few months because I'd rather not deal with them at the moment. Before the show had ended, I had told my agent to keep me booked up. In a way, it had helped me but I knew eventually, everything would come full force and I'd have to deal with it.

"I-I gotta go Aspen. I'll see you at the show later"


"As usual we killed it" Wendy says taking a seat in front of her mirror

Our show had been a success and it was now time to pack up and head to the after party.

"Well of course. Are you going to the after party?" I ask her with a smile

"Of course. Meet you there?" She asks

I nod before heading over to my little space I had seat up. I start putting my makeup in my bag, along with my hair stuff. I stopped as I see my phone light up showing my Lock Screen with a picture of me and Gavin. It was from the first time he visit me in Vancouver. It had started out as the best day but turned into the worst. That had been the last time I'd seen him. I hated how everything ended.

"Dylan?" I hear Aspen say

"Yeah?" I say getting rid of any lingering thoughts of Gavin

"Ready to go?"


"I thought you said you were tired?" Aspen questions

As soon as we had gotten home, I told her to get ready. Instead of staying home, I wanted to go out. I probably shouldn't have but I couldn't miss this party and I obviously wasn't gonna go by myself so I decided to drag Aspen along with.

"Caught a second wind?" I chuckle

She rolls her eyes but follows me deeper into the party anyways. I grab us both glasses of champagne before dragging her out onto the dance floor with me.

"Look, I know you're worried about me but can we at least have a fun night? No drama? We haven't had a night out together in a while and I just want us to have fun" I tell her as we dance

She nods agreeing with me before following me along in dancing. We both dance in sync, letting whatever was going on just fade away.

"Well aren't you two a sight for sore eyes" I hear

I turn seeing Minnie with a bright smile on her face. Aspen and I both squeal in excitement before bringing her into a bear hug. I hadn't seen her since I left seven months back and Aspen had been working way more than what she had been since I left.

"I have missed you so much" I tell her

"What have you been up to?" Aspen asks her

"I've been doing some more modeling actually. It's been nice being able to travel" she tells us

"I'm so glad we ran into each other" I tell her

"Me too. How have you guys been? Anything new?" She asks as we walk over to take a seat to catch up

"I just got back from filming actually but I've been keeping busy with shoots and a lot more shows" I tell her

"And me, I've been filming a lot and building my brand back up" Aspen tells her

"That's good. I'm glad I got to see you guys. So Dylan, how are you and Gavin? Last time I seen you guys, you were in the honey moon stage" she says with a giggle

Aspen releases an awakes whistle while taking a sip from her drink. I can feel my face fall from her question. I clear my throat giving an awkward smile.

"We, uh it didn't really work out. Just bad timing I guess" I say avoiding her gaze

"Oh Dylan. I'm sorry. He didn't do anything stupid again did he?" She asks making me release a slight laugh

"No. Not this time. This time it was all me"

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