
59 1 0

Dylan Cameron

"Hey Aspen!" I yell

I had been feeling weird the these last few days. I wasn't sure what was going on but I had a hunch. I just wasn't sure how I felt about it.

"Yes?" She asks leaning against my doorway

"I need you to do me a favor" I say sitting up

"What's the favor?" She asks

"We need to go to the store" I say getting up

"I'll meet you in the car"


"Dylan? Are you okay?" Aspen asks from outside of the bathroom door

"Yeah. I'll be out in a minute" I say clearing my throat

No matter how many times I clear it, still it doesn't work. I feel as if I have a lump in my throat. I continue to stare seeing those two pink lines. I knock myself out of this trance and clean up. I open the bathroom door to see Aspen laying on my bed, waiting patiently.

"So?" She questions

"I am indeed with child" I say starting blankly

It's silent as we sit on my bed. I wasn't sure if I was happy or not. It just wasn't the best time for something like this. Everything is changing at every turn.

"What are you gonna tell Gavin?" Aspen asks

"I don't know. I just can't believe this is happening" I tell her

"I know but I think you'll be a great mom. No matter what happens"


I take a deep breath, hearing knocks at the front door. I already knew it was Gavin since I had asked him to come over. I needed to tell him the news myself.

"Hey are okay? You didn't sound like yourself over the phone" he asks stepping inside

"Yeah. I just needed to talk" I say closing the door behind him

He follows me over to the couch and I continue to pace in front of him. I take a minute before taking a seat on the table in front of him.

"You're scaring me. What's going on?" He asks

"I'm pregnant" I say waiting for his reaction

He stops to take in my words. Then his attention is fully on me and then on my belly.

"Really?" He asks

"That's what the five tests said after five consecutive bathroom breaks' I joke

"How are you feeling about it? I mean when did you find out?" He asks

"I found out yesterday. I haven't felt right these last few days and I thought it wouldn't hurt to be sure" I say

"Are we happy about this?" He asks worried

"I would like to get checked out before getting too excited" I tell him

He nods putting a hand over my belly. He then brings me into a tight hug, comforting me in the best way.

"Everything is gonna be fine and we will have a healthy baby. We will figure this all out along the way but we will be having this baby" he says

"I'm scared Gavin. Can we really do this? Even with everything that's happened? We aren't even together" I say pulling back from the hug

"Yes we can do this and I promise I'll be there every step of the way. Starting with the first doctor's appointment" he declares

"You promise?" I question

"Yes. When can they get us in?" He asks

"Doctors appointment is set for tomorrow after lunch" I tell him

"I will pick you up tomorrow and we will go together. Don't worry worry until there's something to worry about"


"What are you guys gonna do?" Aspen asks

After Gavin left, she made her way into my room. We were now laying down, looking up at the white colored ceiling.

"We are going to the first appointment and then we will come up with a plan" I tell her

"Are you gonna tell everyone?" She asks

"Not yet. I wanna make sure everything's okay before I share with everybody" I tell her

"I know you're scared Dyl and you have every right to be but don't worry yourself before there's something to worry about" she says comforting me

"Will you stay in here with me tonight?" I ask her

"Of course. As long as we can watch she's the man" she says playfully


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