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Hello readers before continuing the story I wanna say that I have started a new story "The Red Love". I hope you can take a look at it and give me some suggestions,I will be really thankful and please do COMMENT and vote on this story as well ,your suggestions mean a lot to me.without further ado let's get into the story.♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


Should I eat my baby tonight Tharn thought and came towards the bed.

Phi Tharn come sleep, Type said and smiled.

Shut the fuck up devil Tharn I am not going to listen to you ,I will listen to the angel Tharn and sleep only.tharn told his devil side and smiled at Type.

Are you comfortable Type ,Tharn asked and slipped inside the blanket .

Yes phi Tharn I am comfortable please don't worry about me and sleep Type said and closed his eyes.

Tharn was up for almost all night he could not sleep because Type was in the same bed as him,one side of him wanted to pin Type down to bed and fuck him hard but the other side was controlling him not to do so as Type will get hurt and he will never talk to Tharn after that ,so Tharn controlled himself until he fell asleep.

In the morning:-

Tharn woke up in the morning when the alarm went off ,he got up and sat on the bed rubbing his eyes ,he turned the alarm off.when he turned the alarm off his gaze fell on Type ,he was sleeping straight the shirt he was wearing yesterday night was off from his both shoulders showing his chest and nipples ,his hair was on scattered on his forehead and his legs were also showing .

Tharn was looking at Type with lustful eyes he gulped and went towards Type ,he licked his lips and looked towards Type's lips he closed the distance between them and was about to kiss him ,when he suddenly slapped himself.

Fuck Tharn,what are you doing ,are you actually trying to violate your baby and trying to kiss him without his permission.Tharn thought to himself and ran towards the bathroom.

No Tharn no ,you can never violate your baby and will never do anything without his permission or against his will.Tharn thought to himself and took a cold shower.

He came out of the shower after almost half an hour ,when he came he saw Type was sitting on the bed his hair were scattered on his forehead and he was rubbing his eyes.he was looking so fucking sexy.Tharn immediately averted his gaze from Type and said.

Type take a shower and get changed I will make breakfast for us ,he said and went to his walk in closet and took some clothes to give to Type to wear.

Type went to the shower and Tharn made their breakfast until Type came out .

After that both ate and went to office together.

After going to office Tharn went straight to his meeting room and Type went to his desk in his and lilie's cabin.

Lily was there she didn't go to the meeting with Tharn because she was feeling unwell and Tharn told her that he will take care of everything so she needs not to worry.

In the office:-

Lily and Type were sitting when Lily said.

Type ,I think Tharn sir likes me too ,Lily said shyly.

Huh ? I mean why do you think so , Type asked innocently.

There was an important meeting today but when he saw I was unwell he told me he will take care of everything and I don't need to worry ,if this is not like then what is it ,Lily said turning red.

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