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After Type told Tharn that he wanted to talk to him privately Tharn told Type to sit in his car so that he can drive to a quite place where they can talk without any disturbance.

After half an hour Tharn stopped his car in front of a park ,it was quite and because it was dark there was no one .Tharn Type sat on a bench .

Tharn took a deep breath and said.

What did you want to talk about Type, Tharn said hesitantly.

I want to talk about what happened yesterday between us ,i wanted to ask if what you said yesterday was true . Type asked even though he told himself not to expect too much but he could not help but be excited to hear Tharn's answer.

Tharn looked at Type and then to his front and said.

It's true Type i like you ,no actually i love you ,very very much from a long time.

Really ,then why did you go away yesterday without letting me say anything.Type asked sternly containing his excitement ,he was going really crazy with happiness but he held himself and asked Tharn.

Because i don't want to force my feelings on you Type i know you think of me as your older brother and  you might be disgusted with me right now when i am saying all this ,i also know that Bright and you have a close relationship ,but i still wanted to tell you of my feelings so that i can also move on as soon as possible and not make you more uncomfortable  in the future. Tharn said and a tear escaped from his eye.

Type took a minute to process all the information that Tharn had just said.he was really happy and flustered how is he going to answer Tharn now he thought and felt shy.

Seeing that Type was silent and looking forward without blinking Tharn felt more upset and decided to leave .

Type let's go i will drop you at home and don't worry i would never ever say the words i said to you today again .i will make sure to stay away from you, please forgive me for making you uncomfortable.

Tharn said getting up he was about to leave when Type came out of his thoughts and saw Tharn leaving,he panicked that Tharn would leave him so he suddenly got up and kissed Tharn's lips standing on tip toe.

Tharn was shocked when Type kissed him he was sucking and nibbling Tharn's lower lip .

After a few minutes of sucking on Tharn's lips when Type didn't get any response he stopped and took a step back .

Tharn looked at him in shock and asked.

Type ,why did you do that .

Tharn asked he still could not believe that Type actually kissed him ,his brain was such a mess that he could not think of a single reason as to why Type would kiss him.

Phi Tharn are you for real , Type asked pouting.if you love me you kiss me then when i kiss you that means i love you ,why are you being like that , don't tell me you were lying to me about liking me.Type said overacting.

When Tharn heard what Type said he could not believe his ears for a while ,he was stuck at his place like a statue ,after sometime Tharn recovered from his shock ,he looked at Type and said ,

Type are you for real ,do you really ,i mean do you really like me , Tharn said excited.

Type blushed when Tharn asked him with such a big beautiful smile plastered on his face.

Hmm, Type hummed shyly blushing hard he looked like a red ripened Tomato.

Tharn hugged him as soon as he heard Type humming ,he held Type in a bone crushing hug and said.

Type ,can you please once again say that you like me ,please please , Tharn said .

Hmm....i ,phi ..... Tharn, Type said but this time he stutterd while hugging Tharn back.

I love you too baby , Tharn said smiling contentedly he could not believe that he was in reality he was still thinking that this was one of the many dreams he had before.

He let go of Type and said hesitantly.

Baby,can i kiss you because when you kissed me just now i was so shocked i couldn't feel it ,can i please.Tharn said.

Type blushed and nodded his head in a yes.

Tharn smiled and softly kissed Types lips ,sucking and nibbling on them gently after a few minutes of sucking Type's lips softly Tharn started being rough he nibbled on Type's lips making him moan.

Anhn ,nghn , Type moaned.

Tharn hearing Type's moans could not hold himself any more and bit Type's lips a bit roughly ,type opened his mouth because of the pain he wanted to say something but before that Tharn entered his tongue in Type's hot mouth and started sucking his tongue exploring Type's mouth with his tongue , Type wanted to kiss Tharn back with the same intensity as he did but he could not Tharn was not giving him the time to even breath so Type could only moan making Tharn lose control even more.

Annnhn p....hi nghnnn ple...ase ahhhhh , Type moaned trying to stop Tharn but Tharn didn't let go , seeing that Tharn was still kissing him without the intention of letting go , Type slapped  Tharn's  shoulder making him look up.

Tharn let go of Type and asked .

What happened baby , Tharn asked panting for air.

As soon as Tharn let go of Type's lips he took a deep breath.aahh ,phi Tharn why can't you slow down i thought i would die because of no oxygen ,type said breathing heavily.

After sometime when Type started breathing normally , Tharn stood in front of him , looking at him keenly and said .

Type you said you like me and i also like you and we also kissed does that mean we are boyfriends now , Tharn asked expectantly.

No , Type said .

Why , Tharn looked at him with a shocked expression.

Because you didn't propose to me phi Tharn ,go down on your knees and ask me to be your boyfriend ,then i will say yes and we will become boyfriends. Type said and mumbled why do i have to explain everything to you.

Tharn looked at him with a smile after hearing Type and  went on his knees.

Type i like you from a very long time and always wanted to tell you about my feelings ,i always dreamt of this day when i will get to express my genuine feelings towards today i wanna say that i love you and only you ,i would love you till my death ,so i wanna ask you ,

Will you be my boyfriend and be willing to be with me forever , Tharn said while holding Type's hand looking and him with a big smile on his face.

Type blushed and said .

I love you too phi Tharn ,and i will be your boyfriend ,i will love you and only you in the future too.

Tharn got up and kissed Type on lips.Tharn was about to enter Type's mouth when Type's phone rang.

Ring,ring,ring ,ring.

Tharntype opened their eyes and Type took the call ,it was Maya .she told Type to hurry up home as it was already late.

So Tharn decided to drop Type home and before Type went in he kissed Tharn's lips and said good night.

Good night phi Tharn ,call me when you get back home,he said and left .

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