Type's parents.

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Da...d ,Tharn said shocked not knowing what to do he immediately put his shirt back on and buttoned it ,Type looked at Tharn and also buttoned his shirt up.

Tharn ,you monster how dare you lay your finger on our Type ,Maya yelled at Tharn making him flinch.
How dare you harras Type .

Ha...harass me ,i didn't. Tharn said with confusion evident in his voice.

Stop lying Tharn ,we heard what you were saying to Type ,so don't act like a saint, Alex said in an angry voice.

Dad , it's not what you think ,we were actually Tharn was still in the middle of the sentence ,when another slap landed on his face.

How dare you lie to our faces Tharn we heard it when Type was asking you to stay away ,Maya said ready to slap Tharn again.

Mama....listen to me it's not like that ,Type said trying to get off from the bed.

No Type stay quiet ,you don't need to be afraid of anyone ,Maya said holding his hand.

No mom , listen to me i didn't harass Type whatever i did was with his permission ,Tharn said .

Shut up Tharn ,Alex said and slapped his face.

Dada ,please don't hit hon...i mean phi Tharn ,let me explain ,Type said with tears in his eyes.

Shut up Type ,i will deal with you after i am done with him ,how could you not tell us this monster was harrassing you huh ,did you really think we won't protect you against him. Alex asked in a loud voice.

Dad please listen to me ...Tharn said.

Get out of my house you  bloody molester.Alex said and dragged Tharn by his collar and threw him out of the house.

Never show us your face again Tharn ,never and be ready for the conquences of your actions. Maya said holding Type close to her who was crying .

Mama , don't please listen to me ,Type begged.

We will Type but not now , tomorrow we will listen to everything. Alex said and signed everyone to go their own rooms.

Bright and Arm were shocked by the whole incident but didn't say anything they couldn't believe that Tharn who was their idol had something so immoral they were disgusted.

In the afternoon tomorrow everyone at home was really quiet Type had wanted to talk to Maya and Alex but they were not ready to listen to him ,they kept saying we will listen tomorrow and Bright and Arm were just comforting him turning a deaf ear to Type's words.

After they were done with their lunch they told everyone to go and sit in living room together as they had something to discuss.

After sometime Tharn came back again.

What are you doing here,Alex asked disgusted with his son's presence.

Dad ,mom please let me explain myself , whatever was happening last night in Type's room is not what you are thinking ,i didn't molest Type ,i love him mom and he loves me too. Tharn said.

Yes dada ,phi Tharn is right ,we love each other. Type said defending Tharn.

Dad let me explain everything to you actually ,tharn was saying when he was cut by a loud voice coming from behind.

Shut your fucking mouth up Tharn how dare you molest my son and threaten him to keep quiet about all this ,what did you do to my son that even now he is taking your side huh,asked Prem yelling .

Uncle ,please listen to me ,i didn't molest Type , Tharn said.

Type ,why are you still taking his side ,does he have anything against you in his possession please tell us ,does he have your indecent pictures that's why you are defending him .laura asked with tears in her eyes.

No mom,what are you saying phi Tharn is not someone like that ,Type said back.

Not like that and even then he harrased you right ,Alex asked.

Dad i told you i didn't molest Type ,we love each other. Tharn yelled back losing his temper.

You love him yeah why not and that's why you made my baby boy pregnant right ,you bastard Tharn ,Prem yelled .

No uncle i didn't .........wait what ,who is pregnant ,Tharn asked bewildered.

What phi Tharn you made someone pregnant behind my back ,how could you,Type asked in disbelief eyes filling with tears.

Who did i make pregnant uncle ,please don't accuse me of something i didn't do without evidence,Tharn said defending himself of the false accusations.

Yes dad ,where is evidence ,Type asked.

It's inside your belly,he made you pregnant Type , YOU are PREGNANT.Alex yelled.

What ,who ,me ? i am Pregnant?Type asked bewildered.

You are PREGNANT ?he is pregnant?Tharn asked still processing all the information.

Yes he is pregnant and you made him pregnant,Prem yelled.

But why am I pregnant ?what is pregnant? Type asked not able to process the overloaded information.

Having a baby inside your tummy is called Pregnancy Type,Tharn said stating the obvious.

Yes ,phi Tharn you are so smart as always,Type said shying away,.      

Plbut why am I pregnant, Type asked .

Because i fucked you hard Type , Tharn said without thinking .

Phi Thaaaaarn ,how can you say that infront of everyone like this ,you are so naughty ,Type said blushing shyly.

You fucker how dare you say something like that to my  son infront of me ,Prem said and jumped on Tharn.

Don't hit my baby's father Dad ,my baby will hate you for this ,Type said putting his arm on his tummy.

Type ,are you even listening to yourself,what the fuck are you saying. Prem yelled .

He is right uncle , otherwise i won't let either of my babies talk to you in the future,Tharn said proudly.

Shut the fuck up Tharn ,get out of my house,Alex said once again dragging Tharn by collar and like last night threw him out of the house.


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