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It's been a month since the family trip they went to and everything has been going smoothly for Tharntype ,like everyday Type goes to the office and works while also being lovey dovey with Tharn whenever Lily is not in the office Tharntype go wild in Tharn's cabin and most of the times Type finds himself in Tharn's apartment in the bed cuddling with Tharn sweetly like today .

Are you fine baby ,you passed out in the middle of our session last night,Tharn said patting Type's head.

Hmm,i am okay now ,i have been feeling really worn out these last few days ,always tired and sometimes it feels like i can't even lift a finger .Type said and snuggled closer to Tharn.

Baby if you are feeling that way then please go to doctor and get a full body checkup. Tharn said in a worried tone.

No honey , it's okay i am fine i think i feel that way because i am tired and have not got much rest lately because of my naughty boss.Type said and gave a light kiss on Tharn's cheeks.

But baby i am worried ,what if it's not because of tiredness and something else. Tharn said .

Don't worry hon,i am okay but if i don't get well even after taking rest then i will go to doctor for a checkup okay.Type said smiling cutely.

Okay then baby ,take off from office today and rest well here i will finish my work as soon as possible and come back early in the evening okay,Tharn said and pecked Type's lips.

No hon ,i can't stay here today ,mama was asking me just yesterday why i am not coming home .Type said but i promise to take proper rest at home okay ,now go you are getting late ,i will stay here till afternoon and then go home .

Okay love ,just take proper rest okay and tell me if you don't feel well .Tharn said and got out of bed.

After getting ready for office he made breakfast for the two of them and took their breakfast in the room itself where Type was lying in the bed comfortably.

Baby , come here and have your breakfast .Tharn said as he put the food on table.

Phi thaaaaarn. Type whined opening his arms wide with a pout.

Aww, my baby wants to be carried by Daddy huh,Tharn said as he took Type into his arms.

Ummm,baby wants to be carried ,why daddy does not want to carry baby? Type said and licked Tharn's nape.

Tharn sat down in the chair infront of table and placed Type in his lap.

Baby don't do that if you want to get rest because if i lose control you will only end up more tired so let me feed you your breakfast or else you will have to eat something else. Tharn said and raised the spoon to Type's mouth.

Hahaha ,okay i will not i don't have the energy to eat your thing first thing in the morning. Type said as he happily ate the food that Tharn fed him.

I am so lucky to have you as my boyfriend phi Tharn ,Type said munching on the food happily.

Yeah yeah why not ,after all i am the best , Tharn said proudly.

Of course you are the best but right now you have to go to office so it's time to leave hon, bye-bye. Type  said rubbing his body on Tharn's chest.

Okay babe bye-bye ,take care and take lots of rest okay,i will miss you at work. Tharn  said and waved his hand to Type.

Love you ,i will miss you too.Type said and gave a flying kiss to Tharn.

In the afternoon ,Type went home and told Maya that he was not feeling well so he took the day off from office and later went to rest in his room.

It was dinner time and everyone was seated on the dinner table. When suddenly Type felt like vomitting and ran to the wash basin to throw up .

What happened baby Type ,are you alright, Maya asked worried.

I am alright mama but i have been feeling like throwing up everytime I eat nowadays.its weird i do get hungry but i want to throw up as soon as I see food.its really an unpleasant feeling. Type said wiping his mouth.

You are looking so pale Type ,please take a day off from office tomorrow as well and get a checkup done at hospital,Alex said with a worried face.

Okay dada ,i will go to hospital tomorrow. Type said.but right now i want to go to my room and have some rest.

Okay son , don't worry i will go to the hospital with you tomorrow so get some rest for now okay ,Maya said.

Okay mama , sorry for making you all worried ,Type said and went to his room.

When he got to his room he slumped in his bed he checked his phone and saw Tharn has called him ten times .so he hurriedly called him back.

Hello phi Tharn  , Type called.

Hello Type are you okay baby ,why were not you answering my calls ,i was about to go home and check on you , Tharn asked worriedly.

I am sorry hon, actually i went down to have dinner and forgot my phone in the room. Type said with a tired tone.

What happened baby ,why are you sounding so tired is everything okay. Tharn asked again.

Actually honey ,when i was eating with everyone i suddenly threw up ,i don't know why i had not even ate something bad today and i feel really tired right now i feel dizzy. Type said sighing.

Then baby go to hospital and have a check up .Tharn said sternly.

Aww hon, don't be like that ,i and mama are going to hospital tomorrow ,please don't be angry and talk to your baby like that i feel bad. Type said in a sad tone.

Don't be sad na baby i am sorry okay but i am really worried about you. Tharn said.

I know love you are the best ,Type said and giggled.

Thank you for understanding me na love ,now sleep and get some rest. Tharn said .

Okay hon, bye-bye,love you Type said.

Love you too babe ,have a good rest i will miss having you in my arms .Tharn said and hung up.

Tomorrow in the afternoon Type and Maya went to the hospital to get Type checked up the doctor said that it maybe lack of nutrition or rest but she will run some testes to be sure ,after coming back Type went straight to his room.

I miss Tharn so much i want to hug him and cuddle with him ,ahhh tomorrow i will go to office no matter what .Type said and slept.

The next day in the morning Type threw up again feeling heavy but he didn't tell anyone as he knew they won't let him go to office so he shut up .he came down and had his breakfast.

Type i think you should take a rest today as well ,Maya said .

No mama ,i am fine now so i will go to office i get bored of sitting at home everyday. Type said eating his food fast .

Okay you can go but if you feel bad again please come home immediately okay ,Alex said sipping his coffee.

Okay dad ,i will thank you.Type said.

In the office when Type went to give Tharn his coffee ,he made him sit on his lap.

Baby ,i missed you so much ,i don't think i can live without you , Tharn said sniffing Type's nape.

Me too hon ,i also missed you that's why i came to office today.i felt so lonely at home without you ,Type said as he snuggled closer to Tharn.

By the way how are you babe ,did your test results come out ,huh, Tharn asked.

It has not come out yet but the doctor is mama's friend so she will send the reports to mama directly, don't worry na daddy i don't think i am sick. Type said cutely.


Hi loves so for making up for the late update i gave double update today.

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Love you ,take care,Bye-bye ❤️❤️❤️

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