Run away...

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Type ,go to your room,Prem said in an angry tone.

Dad , please listen to me , it's not what you are thinking ,Type said looking at his flat tummy.

Type ,you are still a kid you don't know what's wrong and what's right ,go to your room ,us elders have something important to talk about.Laura said with a stern voice.

But mom...Type whined.

No buts Type ,go to your room now ,laura said in a warning tone.

Okay mom,Type said and went upstairs.

Type went upstairs and called Tharn to talk but Tharn didn't pick up his calls ,Type tried 20 times to call Tharn but everytime the call went on voicemail because Tharn didn't pick up.

Is he leaving me because i am pregnant ,is he mad at me for having a baby but..but he said earlier that he wanted a baby ,was that all lie ,he doesn't love me? What should I do now, Type thought and cried harder and harder.

Finally he couldn't take it anymore and went downstairs to talk to his parents about how Tharn isn't picking up his calls while still crying Oceans.

when he got down he was about to call his mother's name when he heard them talking.

Type is still a kid and i think he's afraid of telling us the truth about what Tharn did to him. Maya said with a guilty voice.

Yes ,i think he is just afraid to say something against Tharn because he thinks no one is going to believe him,oh my poor baby,i didn't even have an idea about what my son is going through,Prem said almost tearing up.

Type is not ready to say something against Tharn so it's impossible to get him behind the bars but what's more important right now than this is that what will we do with the baby growing inside Type,laura said with a concerned expression.

What's there to think ,our Type is a baby and was harrased so we have to abort the child ,Alex said firmly not wanting his baby boy to have a stain like this in his life .

Alex is right ,Type is a baby so how can he raise a child ,that too from a forced relationship. Prem said agreeing with Alex.

I will take Type to hospital tomorrow early in the morning and have the baby aborted .Maya said .

Okay, i will come with you ,our baby boy will need both of his mother's support .laura said holding Maya's hand .

Type heard all this and went back to his room , crying once again. ,no i will never abort my child even though phi Tharn doesn't want the baby i am his mama and will take care of him alone ,i don't need phi Tharn or anyone ,i can raise my child alone ,Type said wiping his tears from his face and started packing all his stuff after buying a plane ticket for switzerland.

While Type was packing some his bags ,Tharn was in his apartment angry at Type.

How could Type do that to me, he didn't tell me about our child and talked straight to mama ,am i not important in his life or he just doesn't love me and wanted this baby to be gone without me ever knowing ,how can Type be so cruel to me ,Tharn thought and went crazy.

On the other hand Type in his room,

I will take my baby far away from everyone and raise him alone and he will be a gentleman unlike his father who is an asshole , molester  ,fraud, horny bastard ,fucker .Type said and after everyone went to their room's he quietly pulled his suitcase out of his room and started his car to go to airport away from all this nonsense.

On the way to airport ,Type stopped his car .there was still 5 hours till his flight took off and he was on an intersection where one road led to Tharn's penthouse and the other led to the airport.

love is youOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz