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It's morning now , Tharn got up from his bed and went to washroom to freshen himself up even though he was lying down in the bed the whole night he could not sleep even for a moment all kinds of negative thoughts were coming in his mind ,

Now Type would not ever like me ,he will never look at me the same way he did before maybe he would think of me as a pervert or he will stop coming to office now , Tharn you piece of shit you even lost the chance of having some good memories with him.Tharn thought.he was really sad and even cried at night because of this.

On the other hand Type was also up the whole night not even getting a bit of sleep but unlike Tharn who was depressed Type was really happy ,he was sometimes giggling and sometimes getting shy thinking about what Tharn did to him.

I think phi Tharn also has feelings for me ,if that's so that means i and phi Tharn can actually date ,oh my ,oh my i can't believe it , Type thought of something and Patted his back .

Type you are a born genius i tell you , Type said to himself and got ready for office.

He ate the breakfast with everyone fastly and said goodbye to them before driving his car to office.he was really happy he was smiling the whole way to office .

When he reached office he set his things on the his desk when Lily came in .

Oh Type ,you are here , Lily said.

Yes Lily ,is there something I need to do , Type asked.

No , actually Tharn sir was asking for you in his cabin.Lily said.

Oh okay i will go now , Type said and got nervous .

He looked himself in the mirror and after making sure he was looking perfect ,he went to Tharn's cabin and knocked.

Can I come in , Type asked.

Tharn took a deep breath before letting Type in and said .

Come in Type , Tharn said looking at some documents.

You asked for me phi Tharn ,did you want something , Type said shyly.

Yes type, actually i wanted to inform you about something.Tharn said and looked up at Type ,

Here , Tharn said and handed Type the documents that were in his hands .

Type took the documents and asked.

What is this phi Tharn .

These are your transfer papers to the department of marketing,you are going to work there from today onwards.Tharn said , Everything is set there for you Type you just need to go there the manager will explain everything to you.

What , Type was shocked by Tharn's words .is he doing all this because of what happened yesterday that means he doesn't like me . Type was really sad he held his tears and said.

Yes sir ,thank you for letting me work with you .i will do my best in marketing department and will not let you down.Type said and went out from Tharn's office.

When Type left Tharn took a deep breath , sorry baby but whenever you are near me i lose control over myself i don't want to hurt you ,i know you already hate me because of what happened yesterday ,if i continue keeping you here i don't know myself what i will do ,sorry . Tharn said and almost teared up.

Type went to the marketing department and introduced himself to everyone there and the manager guided him to what his job is there.

Type settled in the marketing department and started working as usual , everyone quickly became his friends there because of his sweet and bubbly personality.

In the evening when Type was leaving for his home he saw Tharn in the lobby , Tharn wanted to ask him if he was okay working in the marketing department but as soon as Type saw Tharn he quickly walked out of the building and sat in his car.

He started his car and drove to home straight ,he went straight to his room and took a shower .

When he came out he wore comfortable clothes and went down to have dinner with everyone.

Type quietly sat in his chair and started eating .

What happened type baby, you don't look good. Alex asked.

I am fine dada ,just a bit tired , Type replied sighing.

Type i think you should just quit going to office and enjoy your are still a baby ,you can't handle pressure from so much work ,Arm said worriedly to which Bright agreed.

Yes Type, Arm is right ,you can't handle so much pressure look you have lost weight also since you started going to office.Bright said.

No phi Bright,phi Arm ,i am alright i just need some rest.Type said ,i have already finished eating can i go to my room and rest.

Yes baby ,of course ,go and take some rest,you must be so tired from working ,go baby , Alex said.

Type got up from his chair and went to his room ,he locked the door from inside and flopped on the bed.

He recalled what happened today and started crying.he was so hurt because of Tharn.

Why phi Tharn, why can't you love me ,i love you so much ,i am loving you from three years now ,why can't you understand my feelings for you, or is that you never have any feelings for me is it true what mama and dada says that you think of me as a younger brother .why ,why ,why .

I don't wanna. Love you anymore phi Tharn it hurts ,it really hurts to have feelings for you ,it hurts so damn much .type said and cried Harder and harder the whole night.

Tomorrow  in the office:-

Type was in the office doing his work when Lily came and stood in front of him.

Hi Type , Lily said ,how are you.

Type looked up and saw Lily standing in front of him.

Hi Lily ,i am good ,how are you ,what are you doing here ,any work , Type asked.

No actually ,i just wanted to visit and see how you are doing.Lily said.

Type looked up at her and raised an eyebrow.

Lily i know this time of the day is really busy and you can't leave office without Tharn sir's permission ,so tell me what is it , Type said looking her straight in the eyes.

Actually Type , Tharn sir asked me to come here and see if you are having any discomfort or problem with work ,if there is one tell me ,i will talk to the manager , Lily said.

Type looked at Lily with anger and said .

Lily tell Tharn sir to stay away from my affairs ,i can handle myself ,i am not a baby ,and he already sent me here now what's the use of asking and seeing if i am comfortable or not , he does not need to worry tell him i would not tell anyone at home that he sent me in another department to work so he doesn't need to worry that he will have to listen to his parents complaints and tell him to quit pretending to worry about me ,now If you have nothing else to say then leave ,i need to work . Type said and moved his eyes back to his file , trying to control his tears from falling down from his eyes.


Hi lovelies ,your author here with yet  another update,please do COMMENT and vote ,love you bye-bye take care 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞

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