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The Saturday came very soon and everyone was ready to leave for the beach ,Maya ,Alex and Arm sat in one car and Tharn ,Type and Bright sat in another car and the family left for the beach.

They reached there and went straight to the resort which Maya booked for them.

Maya and Alex took one room,Arm took the room adjacent to his parents and TharnType took bedrooms next to each other and Bright's room was at the corner.

Everyone went to their rooms and freshened up and took rest,in the afternoon Maya called everyone to have lunch.

Come kids ,let's eat our lunch,Maya yelled making everyone come out of their room.

Ohho kids ,did we come to resort so that all of you can sit in your rooms and play with your phones,Maya complained.

Sorry mom ,I was sleeping,Type said cutely.

Aww it's okay baby ,you don't need to apologize.come have dinner with mama, Maya said and led Type to the table.everyone else also followed and ate their lunch together.

After having their lunch everyone decided to play in water.

Let's go play in water,Bright suggested.

Yay phi let's go Type jumped up from his seat and Arm Type and Bright went to play in the water.

Dad mom I will  go and look after these kids ,Tharn said as he saw the three younger boys jumping around carelessly.

Yes Tharn and please don't let them go too deep in the water Alex said.

You also Tharn relax yourself and play with them you rarely get to spend some time with them.Maya said patting Tharn's hand.

Okay mom.Tharn replied shortly and followed behind his brothers and Type.

They were soaking all wet when Tharn saw them.

Phi Tharn come let's play together.Arm called Than who was looking at them smiling.

Yes phi ,come na its so much fun playing in water .Bright said immediately after Arm.

No you guys play ,I will just sit here and watch over you.Than said and sat on the shore looking at the three figures and suddenly he called Type.

Type straighten your clothes ,Than said while looking at Type's shoulder where his shirt had slid down revealing his milky skin.

Before Type could say anything Arm spoke up.
Phi Tharn ,we are on beach ,its okay to have messy clothes.Arm said showing Tharn his bare chest .

Look i am not even wearing a shirt.

Yes phi ,stop being like that all people show skin on beach ,if you want you can also roam around without your shirt .no one will say anything to you. right Type,Bright said innocently.

Type blushed at the thought of Tharn being shirtless and nodded.

Yeah you can also be shirtless, this is beach everyone is like that here,Type said sliding his shirt down from his shoulder secretly showing his tongue to Than to tease him.

The three boys were about to turn around and play when Tharn got up from his place.

Okay then I will also play with you guys .Tharn said and took off his shirt.

Yaaay ,now phi Tharn will also play with us ,Bright said and dragged Tharn into the water making him all wet.after ducking Tharn in the water Bright ran away .

You stop Bright ,I am not letting you go so easily ,Than said chasing after Bright.

No phi Tharn sorry ,Bright said as he ran around but soon Tharn caught him and dragged him by foot making him lie down in the water.

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