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Type went back to his work and ignored Lily who was standing in front of him .seeing that Type didn't want to talk anymore , Lily said goodbye to Type and came to report to Tharn.

What happened Lily ,is Type okay by working there,what did he say , Tharn asked impatiently.

Actually Tharn sir ,lily said but paused in the middle of the sentence.

What happened Lily , Tharn asked.

Actually Tharn sir, Type didn't tell me anything about his work ,he told me to tell you not to pretend to worry about him ,he would not tell anyone that you transferred him to another department.Lily said hesitantly.

Hearing what Type had said made Tharn feel very hurt because he never thought Type would think he was pretending to care about him ,he sighed a deep breath and told lily to go back to her desk.

In the evening after Type finished his work he went home and went straight to his room.he threw his office bag to one side and flopped on his bed.

On the other hand Tharn was also leaving from his office to go back to his apartment when his phone rang.

Ring ,ring,ring, ring

He took his phone out to see who was calling him,he saw the caller ID of the person who was calling him and smiled ,it was his sweet mother Maya.

Hello mom, Tharn said.

Hello son ,how are you , Maya asked.

I am fine mom ,how about you and everyone at home , Tharn asked.

I am fine son and everyone at home is perfect ,i called to tell you that today i have tried a new dish so i want you to come home and eat dinner with everyone,and yeah i am not taking no as an answer, you have to come, Maya said.

But mom, Tharn tried to say something but before that Maya said.

No but son ,i am waiting for you with everyone at dinner ,come soon, Maya said and hung up.

Tharn took a deep breath and went inside his car and drove towards his parents house.

Everyone was sitting on dining table chitchatting but only Type was absent , everyone was waiting for him to start eating after sometime of waiting Type came to the dinning table ,he saw there was a chair beside Tharn which was not occupied ,if it was a normal day Type would jump to sit beside Tharn but today he was really upset with him so he took a seat besides Bright.

Seeing that Type came everyone started eating.

Type eat this also ,Bright said and gave some food to Type.

Phi Bright ,how can I eat so much , Type whined .

No Type ,look you have lost so much weight baby,you have to eat to get energy for working. Bright said.

But phi ,type said and whined.

Do you want me to feed you Type .
Bright said or do you want a punishment.

No phi ,i will eat , Type pouted and ate his food.

Everyone was happy seeing how easily Bright can control Type without much efforts but Tharn was really angry and sad after seeing all this ,he had enough of everything.

After eating Type went to his room and as soon as Tharn saw Type going towards his room he also got up and went upstairs following Type.

Type was infront of his wardrobe trying to find something when Tharn entered his room without permission and locked the door behind him.

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