love in the air.

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In the morning Type got up from his sleep when his phone rang because of continuous notification sound.

Ahh,who is this ,Type said and took his phone from the bedside table.he opened his eyes a bit and stood up straight because of shock.

The texts were from Tharn.

What the fuck ,why is phi Tharn texting me early in the morning , Type looked at his phone continuously not opening the chat.

After a few seconds Type remembered what happened last night at suddenly screamed like a mad man but immediately covered his mouth with his hands .

No way that actually last night ,no way, no way , no no no no wait .........................that means phi Tharn and i are boyfriends now ,wait then who is texting me  now ,my boyfriend or  my boss , Type thought and became flustered.

He was still in his thoughts when  his phone rang again but this time it was a call and not a notification.

Type looked at the number and suddenly became red ,how am I going to talk to him what should I say ,i talked so shamelessly yesterday and even asked him to propose to me , Type was thinking when the phone started ringing again.

Shia ,i forgot i have to answer the call.he said to himself and hurriedly pick up the call but didn't say anything.

Hello Type , Tharn said lovingly.

Hello phi Tharn , Type said and became shy.

Baby ,are you okay ,why were not you picking up the call i was so worried i was gonna call mom and ask her to check on you , Tharn said taking a breath of relief.

No phi Tharn i am okay , actually i was sleeping and didn't hear the phone ring , sorry to make you worry , Type said and pouted .

There's no need to say sorry baby ,did i disturb your sleep  , sorry , should i call a bit later , Tharn asked.

No phi Tharn it's okay ,why you called right now though is everything alright. Type asked.

It's nothing baby ,i just wanted to hear my boyfriend's voice because i missed it at night.

When Type heard this from Tharn ,he became flustered and dropped his phone on floor.

Shia ,why is phi Tharn so good at flirting.he is making me want to kiss him. Fuck. Type thought.

He picked up his phone from floor and heard Tharn .

Are you okay Type ,what was the loud sound .

I am okay phi Tharn ,i just dropped my phone on floor.Type said.

Be careful baby,you scared me , Tharn said worried.what are you doing now . Tharn asked.

I am sitting on the bed , Type said blushing.

Hmm,wait for me at home today ,i will pick you up and we will go to office together,okay , Tharn said.

Umm,okay but won't it be a bother to you phi Tharn , Type asked .

No baby , you can never be a bother to me , Tharn said .

Hmm,okay i would then i will get ready now , Type said.

Okay baby ,bye bye ,love you , Tharn said and hung up.

After an hour or so type came down to have breakfast with everyone but his eyes widened when he saw Tharn was already there having breakfast with everyone.

Type came and sat down quietly besides Arm and started eating .

Everyone was busy eating their food and did not notice Tharn and Type .

Tharn looked at type winked at him and puckered his lips like blowing a kiss to Type .muah .

When Type saw Tharn blowing a kiss to him his eyes widened in shock and he became red like a tomato with shyness , seeing him like this made Tharn laugh out loud.

Hahahaha Tharn laughed loudly.he was truly happy after such a long time .

Everyone looked at him quizicaly.

Are you okay Tharn ,what happened to you ,why are you laughing like that .Maya asked.

Nothing mom , sorry ,i am just so happy today.Tharn said.lets eat breakfast i still have to go to office.

I am leaving for office,both TharnType said together after they finished breakfast.

Tharn looked at Type and said .

Let's go together Type i will drive you .he said sternly like always so no one doubts them.

Phi Tharn ,Type was about to say something when Alex said.

Yes Type, Tharn is right you should go together,take him Tharn ,go kids, fast fast.Alex said and sent them together .

Okay dad , let's go Type , Tharn said and smirked.

Type pouted cutely and followed Tharn like a puppy.

But before leaving , Bright stopped Type and gave him a hug.

Bye -bye Type ,take care of yourself. Bright said and smiled.

Okay bye -bye phi Bright ,see you at night , Type said and went out.

TharnType sat in the car and Tharn drove away.

Baby ,what happened ,why are you looking at me like that Tharn said focusing on the road.

Type was looking at him continuously.

Phi Tharn ,how can you do that in front of everyone ,what if someone saw it , Type said blushing.

No one saw baby , don't worry , Tharn said.

Type was looking out of the car for some time and said.

Umm ,phi actually about yesterday ... Type said but paused in between.

What is it baby,you can talk to me without hesitating , don't worry ,just tell me . Tharn said reassuring.

Actually about yesterday what you asked phi ,i don't want a misunderstanding between us since we have just started dating ,i wanna tell you actually there's nothing between me and phi Bright ,i know we are close but that's just because .... Type paused once again but Tharn didn't ask him to tell him ,he thought when Type is comfortable he will tell him himself.

Type looked at Tharn and said .

He actually ...... actually likes my friend win and wants me to help him pursue him .that's all , Type said .


Hi guys your author here with the new update , actually i know the talk in this chapter is very ordinary and nothing good but i wanted to show ordinary lovers talk like what happens in real life ,i love you bye-bye take care,💕💕do COMMENT and vote.💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕

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