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" We have so much to talk about," was what got Alex indulged in information she wasn't sure she wanted to know. That morning, Alex sat with Lori for an hour, talking about secrets she couldn't believe. She learnt of the true events on the farm and how Lori wasn't sure the baby was Rick's, almost certain it wasn't. Alex remembered Shane from when she first stayed with her Uncle and Aunt just after Carl was born. She remembered how he was a good man, not that she particularly ever liked him. Now she wondered if she'd found her family at a bad time, with the tension between Rick and Lori, and Carl having some issues.

"That's why you and Rick are acting different then? You're mad at him for killing Shane?" Alex questioned, her eyebrows knitted together as she attempted to piece together the information Lori had exposed, confusion clouding her brain. 

"Not at all. I was upset. I acted in ways I shouldn't have. I just want this baby, Carl. I just want them to be okay. I don't want Carl and Rick to resent me," Lori replied, her voice laced with worry. Alex's heart ached as she listened to her aunt's words. She didn't care about the circumstances. Alex loved her family. Mistakes are just that.

"They won't. It doesn't matter what's happened or what hasn't. Whose baby that is. Family is the most important thing in this world now. They love you more than anything," Alex reassured her aunt. She could tell by the look on Lori's face that she wasn't fully convinced. Alex sighed and pulled her aunt into a hug.

"I'm here now. if he doesn't get over it'll talk to him. I love you" Alex reassured as she pulled her aunt into her arms, a smile growing on her lips feeling Lori's arms wrap around her, she still couldn't believe she was actually with them, and they were all safe. 

"I love you too... I'm so glad you're safe" Lori smiled cradling the back of Alex's head, relishing in the feeling of family, of love. things happen, especially when faced with grief, Alex knew that better than anyone. Despite the fact that Alex couldn't fully wrap her head around Lori's actions, her love for her family stuck. There was nothing that could make that bond waver.

The conversation ended Almost as quickly as it started when she saw the group of men gathering by the gate that lead to the inside of the prison, Getting up Alex rushed over to see what they were up to. to see if they needed help. 

"Rick what are you doing?" she asked forgetting about his speech from the night before, looking to Daryl he shrugged, not wanting to get involved with the Grimes family drama. 

"clearing the walkers" Ricks's words made Alex Immediately reach for the Hunting Knives on her belt, one in each hand, the long sharp objects fit her grasp perfectly.

"I'm coming" She stated throwing one of her knives up, it flipped in the air before the handle landed perfectly in her hand a smirk on her face as Glenn watched her in Awe. She was going with them. 

"No, you're staying with Lori and the girls,'" Rick ordered, making Alex's face contort in disbelief as she looked at Maggie. Rick didn't trust her ability to protect herself, but he trusted Maggie's? that had to be a joke.

"Rick," she tilted her head slightly, signalling for him to follow and walked off to the side. He sighed and followed his niece, adamant about his decision. He wanted to keep everyone safe. including her. he knew about her past, but she lived it. she knew herself better than he did

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