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Reiki woke up and decided to visit Kazumi even tho he wants to rest now, he kept a promise to Kazumi he can't break that.

Meanwhile Kazumi was just minding her life when Masumi told her that she can leave now the hospital, she was relived when Kazumi heard this. Reiki was at the hospital and went to room 143 he saw nothing anymore. The stuff they used was no more, the book Cold Within Warm wasn't in the shelf anymore"

He went out to find his mom to ask what happened to Kazumi, "well someone has to move there, so we moved her out" he was shocked, don't know what to say to this, then Reiki got a call from Kazumi. He thought that she passed away, he went to the cashier where Kazumi was standing waiting for Reiki. 

Reiki was a bit upset that he didn't know that Kazumi was discharged before leaving the hospital "how about we go to the park today? is it a good place to hangout and laugh again?" Reiki said and Kazumi nodded happily because the park was their favorite place together.

"if I didn't met you what would happened to us?" Kazumi said, the boy looked at her and wondering what would happened if they didn't attend the school dance. Did Kazumi still went to school that time? Was Reiki a cold person still? What happened to Kazumi if Reiki didn't saw her when she was punished for attending the dance? 

Thanks to Reiki, none of those bad things happened then he responded with this: "you might still suffer with Kenji or I wouldn't know you well" this made her shocked and happy that she went to the party without hesitation and met Reiki.

All of this were happening with them having fun at the park, running around, eating ice-cream, acting like 10 year old kid, walking in the trees and watching the sunset. This is what Kazumi wants: freedom, and yet Reiki came to her life and saved her from all of her father's commotions. This came to a connection with Kazumi

"did you know that a 10 year old girl was sad and felt like nothing?"

"no, tell me why"

"well on her 10th birthday was just a reminder that she can't spend her time with her friends, she just went to a beach that time and that was also the day she forgot her crush, the one she promised that she won't let go at. After that she was feeling empty, she thought that she was just bored, but every single day reminded her of her favorite boy if they didn't meet. On 5th grade she met him again and all the thoughts and feelings came back to her. All she thought that what if he wasn't there to save her from being lonely at this world. He was a friend before, now he is her crush. Her 11th party was great, her friends were there, family and.. Him. All the nervousness she had inside went away when she heard him calling her name. They had fun until it's time to let go and this time she promised that she would remember him by heart."

"woah, who were they?"

"it's just a verse from a book I found"

The lines were describing about Kazumi and Reiki's life before and now. All the way home Reiki couldn't stop remembering about what Kazumi said all the way home, the way she tell the story it's like having a deep connection with it 

"They had fun until it's time to let go and this time she promised that she would remember him by heart."

Reiki got home, not in a mood to talk to his mother, Shinji got aware of this movement she wanted to know if he was alright. The night was filled with silence, so she knocked at Reiki's door and he opened it. Seeing her son in that situation is sad, so she talked Reiki out and finally understood what Kazumi's words mean to him.

"That isn't a verse Rei, it's something you might say on the future. Kazumi was trying to feel free without getting hurt by words. It does have a deep meaning and words have a whole different meaning it's like making a whole new chapter without something, it will make you feel empty and tried whatever it takes to make it full"

"is it time to let something go like that?"

"yea, but it's not you who is letting it go, instead it was the one letting you go. Like a rope when you fell down a cliff you saw a rope then held on to it for a long time until the rope begins to break and that's the time where it's letting you go" 

"I went thru my files yesterday and saw a file of Kazumi, I was her doctor when she was young. At 10 she had a bad feeling, so her mom took her to the hospital where I work. We figured it out that she have cancer at a young age. All she did is keep up a happy face everyday at school"

Reiki wasn't sure if him and Kazumi are ready for a relationship, now that he knew her secrets. He have to protect Kazumi even if takes to sacrifice himself as long that Kazumi is alright. With a heavy heart he didn't sleep early, he stayed up late thinking why would she keep a secret that is too deep to handle, the thoughts of ending a feeling for Kazumi is hard, but he has to keep a smile in front of her. 

What if Shinji was true, Kazumi wanted Reiki to have a life without her by his side anymore. Naoki called to tell Reiki that they were going on a picnic, just Naoki, Kazumi and Reiki together as friends. Maybe it's their unforgettable moments together as friends. Reiki stayed up until 2am and once he felt sleepy he just slept his way because Shinji might get mad at him for staying up too late


A/n: is it bad? well that is for now I'll release the other ones tomorrow, for now that's all I can release. I wrote Chapter 6 at 8am sharp and I woke up 7:30am, well have a good time reading :))

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