𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫

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Pulling Out Thoughts From an Empty Cry 

⚠️- there would be a small details of probably making out..

"love, when we will go at the park once again?" she asked, Reiki was laughing "at your birthday love, which is in... 2 days!" Reiki answered. Both of them were laughing as she was using her phone. 

"hey Reiki my love, remember we used to cook omelets then you always have to hug my waist all the time?" she asked once again. Reiki was still talking to her "yes my love, 3 years ago when I first did that remember?" he answered.

It was the evening when they are talking about their lives. As it was three years ago. Time flies fast for them. These two had finally graduated and got in to a good college. No wonder Reiki wants her. She fell asleep in Reiki's lap and he doesn't mind her sleeping, besides it's already 11pm. Both of Reiki and her finally fell asleep in the couch. Knowing that they will wake up together, not at the same time, but with each other.

She woke up on Reiki's laps still. She finally got on her feet and decided to cook breakfast for the both of them

"love~ breakfast is ready! better get up" she shouted. Reiki woke up and also stretching before standing up, " yes yes, just wait you know the food won't fly away" Reiki told her while he was walking towards the dining table and he sat down "so then, tell me why you wanted a child?" Reiki added 

"well because I'm tired of having no responsibilities inside here" she answered him "the question is how do we make a child?" she added, Reiki was laughing that she wants to slap Reiki to reality "do you want it really right now?" Reiki asked her back "yes, I do, better not ask that once again"

Reiki laughed and thought of an idea that is a bit well... extreme, but if his girlfriend wants, then he has to do it. Because why not, Reiki and her wanted a child for so long. So why not try it

"I'll tell you what, I have a gift for you in your birthday. You will receive it tomorrow in the night alright?"  Reiki assured her and she nodded 

After eating, both of them went back to their own business. Now that they are young workers, Reiki and her never got to spend much time, yesterday was their day off, lucky for them that they got to spend an entire day together, but this day is just regular. They have an 2 hour break and after those 2 hours, they have to work once again and so school works

They know that they have to do it in order to fulfill their dreams. Both of them have to work and do school works. Mostly, Reiki's girlfriend's birthday is one of their work days and luckily those two will just get off work at 7pm 

*At June 18*

"Happy Birthday then Kazumi my love" Reiki told Kazumi as she was stretching herself. "I thought you forgot hm?" Kazumi added "well like I told you yesterday my love, I have a gift for you, after we finish our shift alright? For now my love, I can cook breakfast, lunch and dinner all by myself" Reiki added

"the breakfast better not be burned, because last time you burned my French Toast" Kazumi joked,

Of course it was true that Reiki burned the French toast and that's how Reiki banned himself from cooking ever again, which made Kazumi confused herself why. "yeah yeah, your omelets won't burn I promise" Reiki said and went to the kitchen to get the ingredients to make a perfect omelet for Kazumi

Yes they have been living the perfect life, three years ago, at Kazumi's birthday, they actually did got to an accident, but the thing is, they survived and luckily they were only injured a bit and of course many scratches and bruises.

After that, they finally live a life they wanted. Or so Reiki thought.

*time skip*

The clock finally reached 8pm as the two were still resting themselves, finally. Kazumi knocked on Reiki's room and she thought that his room his locked, when it isn't..

Kazumi knocked once again, but


Once again, she knocked, still no answer. Kazumi got courage to open the door

"*you can do this*" Kazumi told herself, slowly she opened the door

She thought that Reiki would be in the bathroom doing his business there, but all she saw is just Reiki, sleeping peacefully on his bed, Kazumi saw a packet of something on Reiki's side table. It was wrapped in paper with a note on it

*hello! I know you would come here my love, well once I wake up, we will might open this packet, so don't try open this without me my love
-Reiki, your favorite kid*

She laughed at the note and yes she just used her phone while waiting for Reiki to wake up

After minutes, Reiki woke up, seeing Kazumi still using her phone, she didn't noticed 

"hey love, wanna open the packet there?" Reiki asked making Kazumi flinched a bit "oh, yeah. I forgot about that.. sorry, well sure" 

As Reiki smiled and took the packet that he bought. Slowly, the two have been opening the packet and it showed a pack of, well 

"what are supposed to do with this pack of looks like medicine pack?" Kazumi asked, since she doesn't really know things yet.. "you said you wanted a child for so long right?" Reiki asked her back "yeah..." she answers 

"well here we are, I'm giving you my gift for you my love" Reiki smirked and went to the bathroom 

He went out of the bathroom. Still looking normal, he sat down on the bed, before that he turned off the lights. He left a small nightlight on. And before you know it. They started off with cuddles and kisses, but after 30 minutes. They did it, well they were making out for like 

Hours. Currently the time is just 2am. They did it with protection for the first 30 minutes. Then after that 30 minutes. The two stopped and got to continue again, this time with no protection.

Well, at 4am the two finally stopped "well my love, wanna clean up? we did sure made loads of mess in this bed of mine," Reiki replied and laughed a bit "I mean if you want to then okay I'm on it" Kazumi told Reiki as she was trying to stand up

A minute passed and Kazumi can't really stand up because after hours of making out is a effect "dang, I guess I can't stand up anymore. It's your fault!" Kazumi screamed as she was laughing at the same time "well made crazy my love" Reiki mumbled 

*2 days later*

"love, can I tell you something?" Kazumi asked him. Reiki and her are just on Kazumi's favorite park "yeah sure what is it love?" Reiki answered

As he said the words, their world stopped. It was like only him and Kazumi were moving, all people were still on their positions, not breathing, not even moving. Even the birds and leaves were left floating, steady.

"love, I'm sorry if I have to tell you this, but-"

A/n: ooohhh, guess who got confused? AND IT'S YOU AHAHAHAHHHA. Well we came so far at this story. It's the time I put some things of my own. Yeah Yeah I put warnings, because why not? Anyways, you're almost at the end of this wonderful story I made :>

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