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I'm about to leave you, I hope you forget our relationship when I DIE

Yes Naoki went home early, but still she regretted saying words that will harm Kazumi to her life, so she went there very early to see Karin there on the room while preparing food they were going to eat, "oh sorry are you Naoki? I'm Karin and Rei asked me to stay here until he comes" Karin said to Naoki looking good "yea I'm exactly Naoki and you can call me Naoi, plus how do you know me?" Naoki questioned the girl while preparing food "oh well earlier and yesterday Kazumi was keep telling me about you like most of her talk were only you actually she is awake now, you can visit her freely" Karin smiled at the girl and Naoki was there looking at the huge window at her room.

"before you go start a fight here, I'm sorry for not telling you about this thing going on and many more" Kazumi said to her looking unsure if she can trust her "actually it must be me saying sorry not you" Naoki laughed and they got better already: started telling jokes, making tv shows interesting and funny at the same time and more

Karin saw it and kept her distance to the friends while they were talking with no endings, after that she gave the food to Kazumi and Naoki leaving Karin with nothing "hey, do you have cup noodles for you?" Naoki asked Karin "no I don't it's just for my lunch then when I saw you I said that I can just buy my own food. 

You can have it Naoi" Karin said smiling at the two and joined the conversation they were talking about.

Reiki already woke up and skipped his breakfast, so he have to buy coffee at a nearby coffee shop.

 As soon he got his morning iced coffee he went to the hospital and when he went to the room Reiki heard laughter filling the room with it, he went in and saw Karin, Naoki and Kazumi laughing together at something that Reiki didn't know about, of course he missed the whole point of his friends. 

"Rei, why didn't you eat breakfast just now?" Kazumi worriedly asked her friend who was sipping his iced coffee 

"well I'm a little grumpy in the morning without food, but coffee helps me" Reiki told her in a cool tone "well don't be that grumpy iced coffee boy" Kazumi teasingly said to Reiki who was still drinking his morning coffee. "boys sometimes can live without eating breakfast as long their favorite coffee is available" Karin told the girls and Reiki nodded because it was true to him that he can skip breakfast as he has coffee.

Well the girls and Reiki did have fun until Karin have to go now "well you said I'll stay here then leave when you got here right?" Reiki didn't want her to leave yet because Kazumi and Naoki were happy to have Karin by their side "no, just stay here you three were having a good time I don't want to end it for you" Reiki told Karin and she nodded and went back to gossiping about these tv shows they have been talking about.

It came to the fact that Reiki did have fun with Kazumi and this didn't make his love change with a different Kazumi as long she is her only Kazumi can change him and it did. 


"why so soon Kaz, was it me your mission all my time?"

"you supposed to tell me more early"

"I wish I also die with you at the time I knew you will no longer stay with me"

"It's like love made me change to a whole person with you on it"

"life wasn't a mistake and I want to see you longer than ever"

"be mine Kaz, be brave please I still want you"

"will you be mine tho?"

"please answer me as soon it's your birthday"

"take your time I can wait"

"as long you are still there"

"I'll be waiting for you"

"always even it takes me a whole decade to wait"

"it's not that I can get bored of it, your time is available anywhere"

"Kaz, I like you and you know it. We should have our first time kiss at the favorite park we want to be" 

"I like you and it's my final decision"

"you will never change that to me my Kaz"


A/n: I know it's short as my patience, but I already told ya'll  that this chapter is a bit short, so don't complain about it. Also Kazumi doesn't have time soon.. will Reiki accept the faith that led them? I hope so just wait until the end I mean, ya'll can wait right? Everyone here isn't allergic to short parts. 

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