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Will We Reach Happily Ever After?

All mornings Kazumi have to sleep again for more sleep. She is a pure introverted with a kind heart is about to die soon.

These moments were all recorded and memorized by Reiki who knows Kazumi's suffering. During the meantime they were having fun daydreaming, joking around like crazy immature kids, running at the park, watching sappy movies together. Reiki and Kazumi know that liking each other might end so soon, all they did is forget about that and continued having good times they were experiencing.

It's has been probably 4 or 5 days since Shinji said to her son that Kazumi had a sickness that might never heal. There he was laying down his bed looking at the celling feeling like dying will fix all of his problems, but no he likes Kazumi and she doesn't want to suffer again in this world ever again.

During in Kazumi's sleep she is awake and all, but she couldn't move her body at all, she was panicking and don't know what to do at all. Meanwhile Reiki was at their place and Naoki said that she was sleeping still Reiki went to the room and saw Kazumi in a straight form of sleep position. Reiki didn't mind at all, but when he saw she was breathing and her eyes open and it was looking at Reiki he thought that she was pranking the boy, but it wasn't. 

The girl's eyes are tearing up and Reiki have to mess with her, so she can be awake really. Reiki called on Naoki real loud to be heard by her. As she got there she ran to Kazumi feeling panicked they tried to shake her whole body but nothing worked.

"what should we do? nothing worked" Reiki said with pity on his face, "maybe do a passionate kiss or a hug her tightly" Naoki said trying to think more, he had no choice but to hug her again, "it didn't work" Reiki told Naoki "well do the other one, it's not like her father is there" said in a panicked voice of Naoki. He went closer to Kazumi as his face near hers, Kazumi finally woke up looking at his face near her.

After making sure that she is fine, they already ate their food and Reiki thought of a joke that can make the girls laugh. The trio were laughing again and Naoki has been thinking of something

"hey Reiki, can you go with me at the animal shelter later?" Naoki questioned the boy "sure let's do it now" Reiki said while eating his pancakes "do what now?" Kazumi's mind isn't thinking the same for now, but the two laughed their lives off because they know that Kazumi isn't really good at things now "I mean want to join us pick an animal?" Naoki still saw the shock on her face "we mean we will go to the animal shelter, want to ride with us so you can pick your favorite animal like yea" Reiki said to her. To this they were picking an animal that isn't likely house trained.

Kazumi saw a little duck and the little duck is so small that it's the size of Reiki's hand "I want to adopt this little duckie please" Kazumi told Naoki in a pleasing tone and she agreed. The staff told them to write it's new information. All of the information was filled except the name.

"name him Kazumi, it's all up to you" Reiki said to the girl looking at his phone "I'll name him Niku" Kazumi told the people near her then the staff wrote the name Niku to the name and they went to a store to buy some things that will be needed for the duck they adopted Niku.

As they got home Kazumi couldn't stop adoring the little duck while doing that Reiki went to his car finding the rose that Kazumi gave him, he was interrupted with Naoki signaling him to go inside since it's hot outside. They saw Niku all together and they were amazed by his features. All day they couldn't stop talking about their new pet especially Kazumi.

It was night time when Reiki has to go home, as he was driving back home he realized that he forgot his phone, but he was near to his house, so he have to pick it up tomorrow morning.

Kazumi saw that Reiki forgot his phone at their bedroom and no one is there, so she wants to open the phone it was a pin code with 4-digit code, then she typed 2006 as the passcode and it opened "you are kinda dumb Fujiwara" she giggled and open the camera app on his phone 


"hey Reiki, it's me Kazumi today it's only May 28 when you left your phone here, I'm sorry for snooping and your passcode is my birth year? 2006. I kinda figured it out faster than Ms. Sayuri's math problems."

"Ok enough joking around Kaz if you saw this when I'm not responding to your calls you know what I mean, those Chrysanthemum's you might be holding you gave me."

"Please take care of them those flowers were one of my favorites if I wasn't able to see it anymore at my birthday and promise to have the greatest day, don't mind me here I'll wait for you in the other side watching you from afar like what I did last 8 years ago."

"The book verse isn't a verse my Rei."

" I'm happy that I was able to meet you before our school dance"

"should I tell you that I liked you every single day and no day that I forgot you"

"Rei, please be happy without me there anymore, when I use my last breath promise that you would be happy with someone"

"Earlier when I almost died when you are near me, you want to kiss me right? to be saved"

"you shouldn't move away from me"

"what if I was here for a mission?"

"I think I was here because I need to make Cold become Warm and that was you, then once I'm done I'll be watching you being a whole new person you became"

"I hope being with me isn't annoying Rei" 

"I can't live in this pain for too, I'm just covering it up with my smiles. Goodbye Reiki.."


A/n: for now it's a bit short and I know just enjoy the previous chapters because I have to compromise with my life. Hope yall are having a good day (bgfbgfjifndsnfrfdn) 

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