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Who are you if I'm GONE

From all the days happened, they have been all happy and scared all at the same time. Ever since they met their lives were changed fully to the bone. Kazumi filmed a second video of Reiki's phone without telling him, she knows when to be gone. Today she woke up feeling uneasy, so Kazumi planned to go to the doctor by just walking since the hospital is a bit near to Naoki's house. Still in feeling uneasy moments she knew that it's a sign.

Reiki was also in the same hospital where Kazumi's going at. During this time her doctor was Shinji, Kazumi will have her as doctor during this checkup.

When she saw Shinji waiting at the room, Kazumi closed the door, so they can talk privately inside of the room all by themselves.

"so what happened to you?" Shinji said to the girl

"I woke up feeling too uneasy like the first time" said looking at her 

"then?" Shinji said to Kazumi confused 

"I can't breath much lighter earlier" she said to Shinji

"hm? this might be the one of the signs Kaz" the doctor said to Kazumi

"of what?" Kazumi said tilting her head

"of the end of you life darling" Shinji said very honest 

"but I kinda regretted dying too early" Kazumi said in a sad tone

"well we are going to admit you, so we will know when these kinds of symptoms happen again" the older told Kazumi 

"sure, whenever works the best" She said while playing with her hands

"I'm sure Rei like you" said by Shinji to her patient

"will he tho?" Kazumi told to her doctor

All the thoughts of it were clear to Kazumi now that she will be admitted in the same hospital and the same room when she was hospitalized. Reiki knows that Kazumi has a Cardiac Sarcoma and she is going to die very soon and any day.

"Naoi, is Kazumi there?" Reiki called to Naoki while at Reiki' place "no she went somewhere that I don't know" she told to Reiki when suddenly his phone had a text from one of his mother's co-worker asking him and Naoki to go at the hospital again at room 143. This time Naoki didn't know what is truly happening to their lives "tell me now Rei, it's not my first time panicking like this" Naoki told the boy while panicking again, in this situation it's really happening to everyone that they needed to be prepared for any news coming out.

The two were in the car while driving he explained everything and why they were now rushing to the hospital. After everything Reiki and Naoki went to the cashier, "Naoi, go to the room 143 and see mother is there with her alright?" The girl nodded to his request and went on to find the room 143. The cashier lady said that Shinji was in the room she was assigned to be. Which made sense to him because all the time Shinji was busy with patients in the hospital.

Besides Kazumi's birthday is June 18, so they won't have to panic much since it's June 3, they went to the room and saw Kazumi watching her favorite show on the big television the room. Now that her friends are here for her it's the time for them to know about all of this with her confidence "uh, I need to tell something.." Kazumi said, silence filled their room. 

"we already know.. Why would you hide it from me and us?" Naoki said to Kazumi while Reiki was just standing there watching the girls talk "WHY, WHY WOULD YOU NOT TOLD ME?! I'M HERE REIKI IS ALSO HERE, PLEASE WHY WOULD YOU DIDN'T TOLD US! YOU MIGHT DIE SOON THEN I DIDN'T KNEW!" Naoki shouted at Kazumi. 

Their fight became real to them and Reiki stopped them, but they didn't stop fighting and yet Naoki broke the fight by just leaving the room that night. Reiki was wasn't there because he was helping his mother at the house bills. At this time as Reiki got back to the room he saw Kazumi covered in her blanket and having a hard time to breathe now that her friend for years betrayed. 

"Kaz! are you alright?" Reiki ran to her bed and remove the blanket covering her whole body, she was crying, shaking and trying to find air. "I'm sick of this pain" Kazumi told Reiki and while catching her breath. "all of this injections, medicine isn't working on me, she is right I will die anytime and anywhere. I'm like living here for someone's life who needed me" as she continued to rant herself, Reiki was calming her "promise I'll die with you, Kaz even dying is going to be hard for me" Reiki doesn't want to leave Kazumi alone in this times now.

As their night continue it's hard for Kazumi to be happy now that she might pass away anytime without Reiki knowing it's too hard for her to handle. Before she want to die faster, so she can't feel pain anymore, but it was gone when Reiki became her partner for the dance. 

"Rei.. it's almost my birthday, can you give me the flowers I asked for?" Kazumi asked to the boy "yea I will buy them then display them on the vase there to make you feel better already then if you were feeling good, we can watch movies, run around again at our favorite park like immature kids who just won the games" Reiki told to Kazumi.

He went home and started blaming himself to this life he got, he doesn't want to see his girl struggle anymore. He kept a fake face to Kazumi because he doesn't want her seeing crying like a baby, but these days she is really active and was giving signs to Naoki and Reiki. He got a call from Karin saying that she was at the hospital where Kazumi is and found out that Kazumi was admitted to the hospital, Reiki asked for her to stay with Kazumi and she agreed to stay with her, so she would have company.


A/n: it's about to end? or is it. Was Reiki and Kazumi's love too short for them? Speaking of short, I'll make 2 short chapters, I'm getting lazy, but I have to do it for everyone to read it fully in no time. Thankyo :) 

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