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"June 18, remember something Kazumi?" Naoki asked her a question about events every time in the morning "uh... nope, maybe try using calendar" they laughed and Kazumi was still thinking that June 18 was Reiki's birthday because he was the one inside of Kazumi's mind everyday, every night.

While this commotion happening Kazumi texted a "." to Reiki. Because she wants to know what he will reply to it, Naoki was preparing her bag because she have to go to summer class this time. Kenji and Kazumi were left at Naoki's place. A reply from Reiki was notified on Kazumi's phone

*Why was the chess board so wet? The queen has reigned for years.

How come chess players have many kids? They mate often.

Why did the board game fall off the breakfast bar? Counter-attack.

What song did Bob Seger about the game of chess? How the knight moves.

What's a chess player's favorite kind of crisps? Pawn flavored.

Why did it take so long for the chess master to finish his dinner? The table had a checkered tablecloth and it took forever to pass him the shaker.

What do you call two chess enthusiasts bragging in a lobby? Chess nuts boasting in an open foyer.

She sighed because it's just chess puns he is into chess lately, so I think the puns were for fun. All of the commotion that happened yesterday night was still there, all thoughts were back.

Still the chess pun she texted for Reiki: why are brits so bad at chess?, because they already lost the queen" 

This life she had is very interesting for Kazumi, all she did to fake a smile every weekdays, then suffer during the weekends. This routine of Kazumi didn't stopped until she was partnered by Reiki who seems to have a other world behavior for her.

If she didn't try to find the hobby she loved,  Kazumi might not be here with them. Today is Reiki's birthday, Kazumi didn't know about that since Reiki never told them. 

Meanwhile Reiki was just having a small party with his friends including Naoki and Kazumi. All Kenji and his sister did was lay down at the rooftop, staring at the sky when all the sudden Kazumi had a call from Reiki 

"anything chess pun?"

As she waits for Reiki, there it was the heart pounding rush was there with Kazumi waiting for a response from the other side 

"you are invited, party is at 1 hour left for free time"


"yes it's true, now dress up Naoi will pick you up"

Kazumi quickly dressed up then did everything like a girl would do, but all she worries about is a gift, she can't rush to the mall now that she was just informed by it. Naoki came and went to change her shoes. While being picked up by a taxi she was only carrying her bag with nothing inside, the taxi reached Reiki's place when she saw a Rose on their way and she picked it up before going in.

The house was huge and all the friends he invited were having fun. Mostly he party was full of nerds and it was full of nerds, Kazumi isn't really comfortable without Naoki around. She went to the kitchen to get some alone time when suddenly a hand was on her waist, Kazumi didn't know what to do, so she looked back and saw Reiki.

"so, why here?" Reiki tilt his head slightly "I forgot your gift... sorry" she said looking at his shoes, he said that it's just alright her presence is a gift already. As the day went by the party was great, Kazumi also was having fun too much. Unlike staying at home this party was the great part of the day

When Kazumi was about to leave when the rose from her bag fell out, then she picked it up and gave it to Reiki "this rose is a gift, once it was my birthday can you give me a Chrysanthemum flowers for my birthday?" Reiki nodded and she left.

All the time Kazumi was always thinking Reiki all the the time. Whenever he goes with her everywhere. Kazumi is scared because this sickness of hers don't know if she can love Reiki.


"why did you hide this threat Kazumi?"

"are you scared of falling in love?"

"I do like you, but can we fall in love?"

"this sickness isn't stopping me from falling in love with you"

"does Naoki know?"

"but should I die first? I'll do anything to protect you"

"what should we do now? I want to talk to you about it, please Kazumi"

"Anything, should we continue our lives to the other side?"

"life isn't about me, it's about you Kazumi"

"if your gone, who will make me feel warm again?"

"please let me die first"

"Kazumi, I do like you the whole time after 5 years of being a cold shoulder, you were the only person that can make me warm again"

"I like you and I won't stop"

"enjoy your life without me when I die, look at the book Cold within Warm I'm there with you"


Kazumi had a fun time at the party and still remembering everything that happened earlier


"the party was amazing"

"it's only you who I love"

"will you give me the Chrysanthemum's?

"give it to me at my birthday November 5"

"my name to you now is a rose"

"if I passed away, look at the rose"

"I'm getting no pain is because of you"

"life had me, maybe this is my mission"

"to love you"

"goodnight chess pun"

"I will wait for your response Rei, I promise I'll wait for you Reiki and I always will wait for you, have a happy ending with someone else"


A/n: so how is it? I'm supposed to post 3 chapters a day, but I don't have enough time anymore. Enjoy this chapter for a while :> 

-Oh Dear Diary Season 4 is almost on the go 

-quick question-

:do you like this little cute love story about Reiki and Kazumi? well maybe I do like their story 

my imagination is too large, so I have to share them here with you, my series is already released at May 8! 

-Feel free to comment, your author is kinda tired...

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