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I'm finally here, to FREEDOM

Only a few weeks away from Kazumi's birthday and she is exited than before because she have her friends with her all along and Naoki noticed it too "so what now your birthday is in a few weeks and I know you want Reiki's duck lips to touch yours right?" Naoki questioned the girl "n-no of course no, I'm like anti romantic all my life to be honest" Kazumi answered to Naoki "don't lie Kaz, you are having feelings for Reiki" Naoki said

"what, no I don't have feelings for Reiki who am I if I did have feelings for him.. a moron alright" Kazumi told her friend as if having feelings is now a crime to her.

All of her life she had feelings for Reiki and Kazumi kept denying it to her friends all the time. Keeping this secret is a must even for Reiki himself. This never made sense of why she was trying to deny it when everyone knew even Reiki. She did it just to see if people will ask her or not.

While that Reiki planned to trick Kazumi. He went to the room where Kazumi is, "can I change my clothes here?" Reiki asked the girl "well we have a bathroom sir, so use it" Kazumi answered to him, but he didn't listen and took out a shirt from his bag then tossed it to Kazumi. He closed the big window then he didn't turned around just to remove his clothes and again while removing his shirt, Kazumi was blushing, but she hid it  from him, sadly Reiki noticed it

"why are you blushing hm?" Reiki asked to her "no I'm not and why still shirtless sir? this is a hospital not a motel" Kazumi answered to him "you know I have duck lips alright?" Reiki told Kazumi "why should I know it's not like I want it" Kazumi added, Reiki laughed and went near Kazumi who was sitting, she can feel the warmth on her neck as she was still shocked "I know that you want me and my lips Kaz" he whispered to her, the way he spoke was warm and it tickled her "alright get dressed, you might get caught" Kazumi said and he followed the girl's order.

Shinji went in to the room to check up on Kazumi "I'll call you once I'm done with this small checkup with Kazumi, so can you please give us a quick space?" Shinji asked her son then he nodded and left.

Reiki went outside to buy their favorite snack to cheer her up since Kazumi was really hungry because she didn't have time to eat breakfast,

"how are you now?" Shinji asked Kazumi "not good and not bad" she answered "I don't want to say this to you yet, but please don't tell my son, it will break his heart" Shinji told her "uhm, sure" the girl answered Shinji "Well you have a week left and your only time left is probably June 19" Shinji told her "alright I'll try my best to spend my days left" Kazumi added and when Shinji left Kazumi kept her *i'm fine* face while Reiki was there, spending time with Kazumi all day

When Reiki left, Kazumi fell asleep peacefully without the fear coming for her.

A/n: sorry for not posting 😭 I got mad with someone for so long then I just came back yesterday nightt. Btw your almost at the end bestay 😚✌🏻

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