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*don't play the video until you were asked :)*
My ink can write no more

Everyday isn't working anymore, Kazumi knew that she only has a week left to enjoy her time of being alive.

"Rei, you know where to find me right?"
"in every harmony you hear and see, I'll be there"
"don't worry, if I die you can always find someone new"
"I'll be happy for you"
"if you aren't happy, just look at the sky and tell everything you want to say, I'm there, listening to you"

Kazumi whispered to herself without anyone noticing. She went to twitter to read some fanfics all over her home page while waiting for Reiki, then she thought of writing a note for Reiki that he can read when the time comes for her to end, the note will be a remembrance

*hi Reiki, if you're reading this it means I'm not there anymore for you, but always remember that I will be at your side no matter what happens, you know there are many girls out there and if you pick yours, I'll be happy for you and her. Don't you dare skip your meals just because I died early, if you didn't know, your mother Shinji told me earlier that I only have a week left and also don't cry, you will become ugly plus you aren't a big baby anymore alright? Can you promise this that you will become happier even without me by your side. You seem happy whenever you're with me and please keep doing that with others also with Naoki. Rei, you know where to find me..
Truly Yours: Suzuki Kazumi"

Tears flowing through her eyes as she was writing the letter for Reiki. "morning sunflower of the hos- wait what happen?" Reiki stared at the girl "o-oh nothing I just watched a sad movie that's why" Kazumi answered to his question "how about we watch a comedy movie today? I'm sure it's going to be your favorite movie" Reiki told Kazumi and Naoki went in "did I ruin a good time?" Naoki questioned "no, we were just waiting for you" Reiki answered to the girl then Naoki went to the middle of the two, so the view is a bit more better for her.

While watching the movie they kept laughing about the movie for a long time "want a snack?" Naoki questioned the two, they nodded "I want banana milk" Kazumi told Naoki "banana mill too" Reiki added then Naoki left to buy banana milk for Reiki and Kazumi.

"want to listen at bills?" Kazumi asked him "what all about money expenses?" Reiki added "nope just listen to this"
A/n: go play the video :) skip it until 1:30

As he listens to the song Kazumi was calm whenever she plays the song on her phone even on her mind when she doesn't know what to do in her life. It's like the song she likes when she isn't calm or mad, Kazumi will listen to the song.

"is it good?" Kazumi asked Reiki "yea I'm not even finished with the song it's too good not to listen" Reiki replied to her question.

Naoki arrived with the banana milks they asked for "banana milk for the two of you and a strawberry milk for me" Naoki said to the two who is now sitting together. Reiki stood up and went to drink his banana milk "girl where are you looking at earlier? let me guess Reiki's life again?" Naoki whispered at Kazumi "nope I'm focusing on my own life wondering what will I do with Reiki" Kazumi whispered back

Drinking water is a bit bland for Kazumi, so she has banana milk again after months plus she had the freedom she wanted since forever. But the thing of the time Kazumi has left with which is a week only.

The night came, Reiki and Naoki have to visit again on the next day because it's on the hospital rules that they have to go back before 10pm for the visitors.


"everything is so useless, the IV bags then the medicines they gave me"

"my birthday is almost near, it means I'll die after my birthday"

"Reiki doesn't deserve me"

"but why do I like him"

"it's impossible to get rid of him"

"I changed his life"

"what will happen to him now?"

"I hope he is still his new self even when I'm not around anymore"

"he won't be happy when I'm gone"

"is he going to move on?"

"Naoki and Niku is there for him"

"he doesn't need a dead friend anymore"

"I hope he is fine without me anymore"

A/n: sorry if it's kinda too short for you, it's kinda hard to think of few ideas when my mind is set to the ending

I like Reiki and Kazumi's little love, but sadly it's going to end 😭🔪

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