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"You and Charlie are getting married, regardless of all of this."


"Wait, I thought Harry didn't have a father."

"What?" Dorian shrieked, then laughed as he punched Jax in the shoulder. "Do you just make up stories for people in your head?"

Jax shrugged. "I always assumed he didn't have a family because he is always working."

Dorian hummed. "Good point," he nodded. "But River—none of this changes anything."

River said nothing. What could she have said?

Once everyone arrived at the gazebo, they ordered some drinks, and snacks, then caught up with each other. All three of the brothers were amused as they brought up Harry's antics, and even River smiled as she thought fondly of the mess Harry caused. Before she left to meet her brothers, Harry asked her to share his apologies for anything and everything.

Safe to say, it made her brothers chuckle.

She then told them off for the lack of unity they showed. She expressed why it hurt her, and how she expected more from each of her brothers. While she appreciated it wasn't their job, she asked them to not sit by, and do nothing like they had no idea what it was like to be scrutinised by their parents.

"I'm sorry, Riv," said Alden as he brought his arm around her shoulders, and kissed the top of her head. "I should've said something because you're my sister, and Harry is my friend, but you were both so stressed already, and I didn't want to add any more cause for argument."

"I'm sorry, too, River," Dorian added. "It was wrong to not say anything, and I have no excuse for it."

Jax took some time to cook up his apology but once he did, it was the most Jax-like version she ever expected. "I'm not sorry for staying silent because I know what's good for me, and mouthing off our parents was not. Especially when they are wanting me to get my life in order, and stop travelling so much. I am sorry, though, for making you feel like you don't matter, and that I left you in the shit with... all of this."

Eventually, she accepted all of their apologies. They were her brothers, for crying out loud. She couldn't be mad at them for longer than necessary.

After all of the heartfelt expressions, though, they got on to other topics, and once River aired everything out, she was met with conflicting arguments from her brothers.

Well, Dorian and Jax.

Alden seemed slightly reserved.

"I have spoken to our parents, and they are happy with my decision," she stated. The wind blew on her hair, and she tugged it back. Dorian exhaled as he leaned into his chair. "I am dating Harry, and there is nothing they can do about it."

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