{5} Stress Reliever

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"Me too bro, she's probably just a gold digger,"

"I reckon she's just a slut who opens her legs for anyone, you know, just like her mother. Who knows what kinds of STD's she probably has, she's not our sister.")


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They were drunk.
It was obvious, they had been slurring on their words and started to talk about random nonsense.
I went upstairs to their rooms, and placed a bottle of water from the dining room table onto their desks with some painkillers, they will probably have a bad hangover in the morning.

They'd need it.

It shouldn't have hurt as much as it did.

But it hurt, my brothers really thought so badly of me.

Well I mean, it's not that bad, I mean I am a mafia boss, so I'm used to the words, but I just never thought they'd say that.
And the worst thing?
I know those voices.

Andreas and Giovanni.

Guess they didn't have the balls to say it to my face.

I felt beyond mad, I felt a little heartbroken too, because deep down, I know that I just want an accepting family, a real family who loves me.
Not like Markus and Chiara.

Real love.

Anger surged up my aching body, and I slipped away to my room and tried to fall asleep, but their words simply haunted me throughout the night.
I tossed and turned until my body hurt more than before.
Getting up from bed, I quickly put my shoes on, before I got back into bed and laid down, covering myself in the duvet once again.

I almost forgot to put them on.

Why the fuck am I wearing shoes to bed like the lunatic that I am?

Because on the nights when I am angry, I always end up going somewhere in my sleep, and my clothes always appear to be dirty and muddy in the morning.
I don't know what I end up doing, nor do I care.
I just know that I have to put my shoes on.

Eventually, I finally fell asleep.


I am  in my room, trying to get the Russian Mafia boss to agree to an alliance we could have

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I am  in my room, trying to get the Russian Mafia boss to agree to an alliance we could have. Whether they decided to respond or not, I still had to prepare the paperwork to justify why we should have this alliance and the positives and negatives of it.
Upon signing the last the document, I heard the small, faint sounds of footsteps padding around the hallway.
I grabbed my gun and slowly opened my door.

I looked to the left of me, and saw that Alessandro, Vicenzo  and Giovanni also heard the noises.
I nodded and gave them a signal.
They all followed after me, as I pointed my gun around the corners of where I was going to turn.
We followed the sound of the footsteps, until we found the source.


Almost immediately, me and my sons all placed our guns away.

We didn't want to scare her.

I slowly walked over to her from behind, and she turned around.
Her eyes were closed, she was sleepwalking?

"She's sleepwalking, be quiet, don't wake her up," I whispered.

She used to this when she was a child.
It happened very often.
Before I could do anything, a strong fist connected with my face, making a frightful crack sound, and my face hurl to the side.
Blood started to ooze out from my nose.

What the fuck.

My daughter just broke my nose.

Vicenzo had his mouth hanging open, as he stared at my nose.
Giovanni looked at her in awe.
And Alessandro, well he looked proud.

Alessia walked up towards the railing of the stairs, got to the top of the bannister and flipped off of it, landing at the bottom unharmed.

What kind of ninja skills did she have?

We followed her outside, signalling to our guards that it was okay and that there is no cause for an alarm.
Alessia walked towards a tree and stood beneath it.
She used to love that tree, it was hers and Alessandro's favourite place.

She opened a case, that I had only just realised she had, and took out a beautiful violin.
She started to mumble some words before playing Csárdás by Monti.

It was wonderful, it was powerful and it was simply amazing. Her talent filled the garden, and I caught some guards discussing the music as she was playing.
My daughter can play the violin.

Really well too!

Vicenzo had tears in his eyes, as he recorded Alessia playing on his phone.

After she was finished, she placed everything back to where it should be, and walked back inside, exactly the way she came.

"That was marvellous,"

"She is incredible,"

"She looked so happy,"

"Finally a talented child," I smiled proudly, whilst Vicenzo and Giovanni huffed in annoyance.

Soon after, we went back upstairs to bed, to go to sleep for the few hours we had left.



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