{10} School

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My emotionless face made an appearance and as soon as he clicked it, I sped off.)


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I feel so guilty.

I shouldn't have done that.
Her emotionless face came back on as soon as I entered the car.

Was that my fault?

As soon as I put my seatbelt on, she sped off like lightening. I felt slightly nauseous, she was driving so fast, Matteo and Stefano were on her tail.
Did they arrange a race?
If not, then I guess it is one now.

"Come on they're catching up!" I ended up yelling.

She had a knowing smirk plastered on her face and she started to speed, dodging cars and swerving on the roads. There was an old lady walking on the zebra crossing and Alessia yelled at her to move her fat wrinkly ass and gave her the middle finger.


Is my sister okay?

Soon enough she drifted into a parking spot perfectly. My jaw dropped and I stared at my innocent baby sister in awe.
Who knew?

4 minutes later, Matteo and Stefano pulled up in their parking spots, their jaws, equally as dropped as mine. She doesn't know it, but she beat Matteo, the most renowned street racer in the underground world.
My little sister.
Can drive.
Insanely well.

She hopped out of the car and knocked on the window, I was frozen in my seat unmoving, and jolted out of my trance almost instantly. She locked her car and placed her keys in her bag. Then she was tackled into a hug from Matteo and Stefano.



Matteo tried to rub her hair but missed and she ran behind him and rubbed his instead, leaving his hair all messy and disheveled.
I could see the glares she was getting from girls and the remarks she was getting from boys.
I chuckled to myself.
This girl is sure going to cause some trouble.

She started walking towards the school gate, with us 3 flanking her sides like bodyguards. Out of nowhere, 2 people ran up to her and jumped on her back, effectively knocking her towards the ground.

"Hey guys,"

Wait so she knows these lunatics?
At this point I'm not surprised.
Come to think of it, we really don't know much about her now, only what she was like when she was younger.



One of her friends was a girl who had jet black hair and green eyes. The other friend, the boy had blonde hair and grey eyes.
I don't like him.
He's a boy.

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