{28} Intruder

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With that we all silently made our way to bed.

What if they are dating? Then what?)


I could hear them talking well into the morning

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I could hear them talking well into the morning.
To be honest, it's not like I went to sleep anyway, so I can't say anything.

I know they think I'm dating Felix.
Not only because I have secret hidden cameras, so that next time I am prepared in case they decide to go after someone again.
Especially if that someone is either close to me or knows me.

But I just know this because they are most likely to jump to conclusions.

Alas, I am fully awake and can't go back to bed now.


I heard the sound of small and almost silent footsteps.
Someone was sneaking around.
And that someone was not one of my brothers, they make far too much noise.

Looking at my watch, I checked the time.


Who the fuck is crawling around at this time?

Of course, this doesn't apply to me.

I got out of bed and walked out of my room.
No one was outside of my door.
There was no one guarding me.

Quietly, I walked down the steps, keeping my eyes and ears focused on any movement or sounds that could indicate that someone was there.

As it was so dark, I practically blended into the darkness.
My pyjamas were a silk black and I'm a dark brunette, so I wasn't very surprised when the stranger of the night walked right past me and into the kitchen.

Bitch what- who the hell trained you?

I stalked after the being and analysed them.


That's all I know for the time being, I haven't seen his face.
I followed him into the kitchen and tackled him from behind.

Like any decent homeowner would.

I got him into a chokehold and watched as he squirmed around trying to get me off.
He flipped me over his shoulder and onto the ground, which would have worked, if I didn't have his head in this deadly grip.

He started to gasp and turn a shade darker from what I could tell in the dark.
His arms flailed around aimlessly, attempting to hurt me.

It wasn't working.

It only fuelled me more.

Just then the light switch flickered on and all of my brothers and Dad just stood there gawking at me.

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