{48} The Meeting (pt.1)

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We all instantly left and went back downstairs.

"Dad what's a period?" Stefano asked.)


I am impressed with myself, to say the very least

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I am impressed with myself, to say the very least.
To spin a lie on the spot that quickly is incredible, but probably not a good skill for the average workplace.
Then again, I don't work in the average workspace.
None of us do.

I still can't over the fact that they fell for it!

I came back home but me being dazed, stupid and clumsy, I climbed into my room and literally fell through my window.
As in, it was already open and I just fell.
So I played it off like I was in the shower. I then wet my hair and changed my clothes before I opened the door.

Alessandro must have the eyes of a hawk, I buried that cloth deep inside the basket so how he found it is a mystery to me.
It must have come from when I used a piece of cloth to wipe the blood off of my face.

They are so fucking gullible, they really thought it was period blood! Although, they wouldn't know any better, as they probably don't know much about it or have ever seen it before.

Poor Stefano.
Actually, scrap that-
Poor Dad.

He has to explain a period to Stefano.
I would hate to be him right now.

All of a sudden, I could hear the sound of elephants running upstairs.
My brothers.

Stefano burst into my room and hugged me tight.
I awkwardly patted his back and sent a questioning glance to my brothers who were behind him, probably trying to stop him.

'Just go with it' Matteo mimed.

"WHY ARE YOU BLEEDING TO DEATH, IM GOING TO MISS YOU ALESSIA," He started to sob on my shoulder.

The fuck?

"I'll miss you too?"

I awkwardly stood there while he sniffled on my shoulder like a little kid.

'GET HIM OFF' I mimed to Alessandro, who was just standing there watching the scene unfold.

He chuckled lowly, grabbed Stefano by the shoulders and steered him out of the room.

I grabbed a tissue from the bathroom and began to dab at my tear-soaked top.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Dad tried to explain what a period was to him and well- he got a little bit muddled up and thought you were dying," Vicenzo laughed.

"Ah, the usual, so what are you guys doing today?" They all shared a not-so-discreet look with each other.

"Uh well we're all going out for business, so you'll be home alone," Andreas said.

"Home alone? That's so boring, ugh," I groaned. "Can I go to a friends house instead?"

"Well, I mean I guess you can-"

"YES! Thank you," I hugged him and grabbed a bag and started to pack some random ass stuff like dresses and whatnot, until they eventually left my room.
When they did, I emptied it all out, that was merely a diversion for them to think I was packing some average 'girly' things.

I started to repack it with guns, knives, voice distorter and my full outfit for the evening.

Then I hugged everyone in my family and walked towards my motorbike.
I sat down in the seat, and took off.

After a few short minutes, I reached my mafia base and walked through the gates and through the front door.

"Good evening Donna," echoed through the halls a soon as I had one foot through the door.

It wasn't a monotone 'Good evening Donna' but more of a jubilant 'Good evening Donna', and that's what makes my mafia different.
Everyone here is extremely loyal and I think of them all as family to me.
I saved them from their past struggles, no matter what it was, homelessness, abuse, debt, and I gave them more than enough money for living.
And in return, they chose to follow me and join my mafia.
I didn't force them to, or ask for anything in return, I only wanted for them to be happy and have better lives.

People who are in my mafia can retire whenever they like, which means leaving the mafia fully and living a normal life, all of their identities are protected and none of them ever show their face on missions anyway, apart from Felix who is the second in command and the most commonly seen in meetings. Once someone retires, they pledge to never tell anyone of what happens inside and how we operate, and no one cracked, not even when my brothers went down last year to interrogate one of them.

"Good evening everyone!" I said as soon as I walked in.

I ran up the stairs to my temporary room here, in case I'm doing a mission or just need to leave my other house for a bit, and got changed into my clothes quickly.
I strapped multiple weapons to my hip, legs, arms, boots and even one in my bra.

You can never be too careful.

Tonight is the night, the Donna of the Russian Mafia, which is me, will look for alliances with other mafias for the first time.
So, people would be very excited indeed, and lining up to get a meeting with me.
Which only a select few have managed to arrange.

The Greek Mafia, Spanish Mafia and of course, the Italian Mafia, are the only three mafias that I invited for the meeting.

Once I was ready, I took my voice distorter out of my bag and attached it to the side of my face like a headset and placed my mask on top of it.
Then I walked out of my mafia's mansion, sat on my motorbike once again, and drove off into one of my mafia-owned buildings made specifically for business deals. Though, of course I previously never had the chance to use it.
So I'm very excited to see it!


(I literally thought I updated already. Sorry for the late update though, the next few chapters will be interesting indeed)

 Sorry for the late update though, the next few chapters will be interesting indeed)

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