{41} Bitch

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"By myself, I already graduated remember? And as for these two? Try anything and see what happens, if they go down so do I, and we don't want that happening now do we? So good day, we'll be off," I walked out and Jade blew a raspberry at him on the way.

"You guys go home first, take Daniel and Damian too, I'm going to quickly get my bags," I rushed out as I ran back inside of the building.)


I quickly walked back inside the school, ran to my locker, grabbed my bag and filled it up with books and some other stuff I'll probably never get around to doing

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I quickly walked back inside the school, ran to my locker, grabbed my bag and filled it up with books and some other stuff I'll probably never get around to doing.
By now, the halls were practically deserted, as everyone rushed out to go home almost as soon as the bell rang. I swear school is so chaotic.
I might even say it's even more hectic than living a double life.

Glancing down at my necklace, I quickly pressed a few buttons on it, before the sound of shoes clacking grew nearer and nearer.
I started walking faster, and so did those heels.
I took plenty of random turns, but those shoes were still following me.

Willing myself to surrender, I walked at the slower pace and pretended to be out of breath.
Luckily I felt 2 vibrations on my neck that told me they knew.

Someone bashed me on the back of my head, and I had to feign lack of consciousness, and force my body to go as limp as possible.

Though my eyes were closed, of course I could hear everything they were saying.

"She's such a heavy bitch,"

"Why are we doing this exactly?"

"Honestly Kaitlyn, I told you this literally 5 minutes ago!"

"Keep it down guys, there might still be people here,"

Bitch there will be people here in a few minutes to whoop your ass, that is if I don't get there first.

They didn't even check to make sure that I was actually unconscious, I mean that's just pathetic. It's a lousy job of kidnapping and a disgrace to our world.
Honestly, I wouldn't be too surprised if Bitch-Face was behind it all, I mean it does sound like her minions but I haven't heard her voice at all. Though, saying that I wouldn't be too surprised if she didn't want to handle the dirty work because maybe she'd break a nail or something.

Oh the horror.
I couldn't possibly even begin to describe the complete and utter pain she would be in.

Eventually, after ages of being lugged around everywhere like a fucking rag-doll and after being dropped a dozen times, we had finally arrived at our destination.
Judging from the strong smell of bleach coming from all around me, I figured that I was in the cleaning closet.
The heck?

I got up from where I was laying and faced my so called 'kidnappers' and it indeed was Brittany the Bitch. I think I might have scared them by getting up though, because their faces were covered in pure horror.

"So, care to tell me why you've kidnapped me?" I questioned.

"U-um it was THEM," She yelled as she pointed at her minions.

"NO, you told us to go and kidnap her!" One of them spoke.

I pointed at that one girl.

"I think that she's telling the truth, so Brittany, why am I here?"

"Well we were going to use Brad here, and pretend he was in bed with you," She smirked. "You are such a whore for those brothers. Who's your favourite then? Andreas? Stefano?"

"First of all, that's a crap plan and second of all, HOW MANY TIME DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU, THEY ARE MY BROTHERS!" I yelled.

"Sure they are," She sarcastically spoke as she rolled her eyes at me.


"I'll believe you're their sister when pigs fucking fly," She sneered as she walked out of the room, with her downcast minions and that Brad guy following after her.

"Bye whore!" She sang as she locked the door from the outside.

It's not too big of a deal.
I can easily break out of here.

I tapped my necklace again to make sure that they know I am okay and kicked the door down.
However, as soon as I walked out of the room I could hear punches land and people quite obviously fighting.

I mean they could be fucking too but I don't think it's that likely.

I ran over to the 'scene of the crime' and saw my brothers beating up Brad and interrogating the minions. I mean they wouldn't hurt them, as they are kind of innocent, and hurting them probably wouldn't sit right with their ethics.
Since Brad was just in his boxers they must have thought that he's done something to me, which they might not be surprised to think seeing as they know about my past now.
Or at least most of it.

I saw Bitch Face trying to slip out of the fight.
I don't think so.

I took a shortcut through to the other side, where she was about to go, and as soo. As she turned the corner, I was there.

"Now, now, where did you think you were going?" I asked.

I didn't really give her time for an answer, as she had already gotten another punch to the nose, effectively breaking it once more.
This is fun.
But I didn't really do too much damage, I just broke her nose, hand, arm and ankle.
I think she'll be fine.




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