Hear me out 😖

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Think of this, a girl adopted that can't remember her life before fourteen

A mysterious boy in school

A famous transfer student

A male best friend, or so she thinks

All together in one room and suddenly a room becomes an entrance to another hidden room and suddenly, everything revolves around her. A crazy love triangle, a mysterious scientist that suddenly isn't so mysterious anymore *wink* and everything begins to fall into place but who deserves her heart at the end? Or should I say who owned it from the start?

Crazy right? I know, and it's published right here on Wattpad for free and the title is BEFORE WE FELL

Let me not delay you baby, just check my profile for the book and start reading, you won't regret it. It has teen fiction, young adult, romance, mystery, suspense and thriller all in one and a little garnish of fiction.

In fact, let me show you the cover. Credits to your one and only, ME❤

Elizabeth was an average high school kid, adopted into an average family but couldn't remember life before fourteen. All went well for the young female until the arrival of the new transfer student. The curious young woman found herself drawn to him, as well as the school's mysterious bad boy Lucius Wildthorne. With no idea who these men were or how they were strikingly familiar, she moved deeper in her quest for truth.

It wasn't until a normal classroom became a door to an underground room and secrets from her past are revealed that she realized these two had more to do with her life than she ever imagined.

With new capabilities and her body now more than ordinary, Elizabeth Prescott's life takes a turn and she finds herself tangled in finding her truth.

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