Chapter 54: Two Decisions, One Goal

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"A celebration for Link?" Zelda asked after finishing explaining her thoughts to the two others at the table. "Are you sure that's the best idea?"

"Why not?" Celessa answered with a question of her own. "Now that he's starting to do better, a celebration for him doesn't seem too outlandish, does it? I mean, look at him over there."

"You aren't wrong," Zelda said as all three of them glanced over to the farmer's table, where Link had now started laughing along with them with a mug in his hand. "Still, we've tried a celebration for him before for his birthday. I know he's feeling mentally better, but after what transpired, I don't believe it would help. He already feels guilty enough. I feel as though he would take it as us celebrating his failures rather than his accomplishments."

"She's right," Jules said, lowering the gifted drink she had just sipped. "He feels like he almost cost everyone their lives. Celebrating that would only put him off, even if he's the only one who sees it that way."

"I guess my idea's no good then," Celessa sighed, taking a sip of her own drink. "That's unfortunate. It looks like he's having such a good time over there too."

"It isn't a bad idea, it just seems a bit repetitive to try and simply celebrate again," Zelda said. "Besides, Link is almost troublingly humble. I doubt he would even feel as though he deserved it. His birthday was one thing, but his accomplishments as a champion and hero?"

"You think we shouldn't cheer him on for those?" Celessa asked. "Those are big accomplishments! He saved us from the Calamity, locked up the Yiga Clan in the desert, and he did his best to save us from the remaining Yiga just yesterday."

"Trust me, I know he deserves every ounce of praise and more, but he feels similar to how I do about those times, Celessa. Even more than myself," Zelda said. Though the pilgrim looked as though she wanted to argue that point, she reluctantly stayed quiet and allowed Zelda to continue. "Especially regarding the events from a hundred years ago. Yes, the Calamity was sealed once more, but only after a century; well after we were supposed to. I doubt he would truly feel honored. If anything he would want to celebrate the other champ—"

Suddenly, she paused as her eyes lit up.

"She has an idea," Jules said before taking another drink from her mug.

"You want us to celebrate the champions of old as a whole?" Celessa asked, reading Zelda's features like a book. "Is that much better than celebrating Link himself? Besides, wouldn't that just remind him of who he lost?"

"Link's been trying to accept their deaths for months now after everything he saw," Zelda went on to explain. "At first he tried to shove them aside, but that didn't work. Now he's trying to confront them, and what better way than to properly say goodbye and celebrate what they all did for us?"

"Well, when you put it that way..." Celessa mumbled thoughtfully. "But, would it be any different from this? It would just end up being another thing those guys over there would toast."

The three of them looked back at the tables behind them to watch the farmers toast whatever it was they were holding their glasses up to. In all honesty, it sounded as though many had gotten so far in their drinks, they were all possibly toasting multiple different things at once.

"The legends of the hero and the princess survived out here, but the rest of the champions... They don't resonate with those here in Hateno," Celessa said.

"She'd know," Jules spoke up. "She's talked off the ear of anyone who would listen to her rave about the past."

"I don't rave!" Celessa said with a glare at her drinking partner. "Maybe you just get too drunk to listen properly. History is interesting, especially when it comes to hers."

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