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I felt inspired, so I wrote this!💜
Let me know what you think!

Jin was exhausted. His entire body felt heavy and every breath felt like it was taking more effort than it had before. He had been pushing himself too hard lately, trying to keep up with the rigorous schedule that came with being a k-pop idol, and now it seemed like his body was finally giving up.

He had woken up that morning feeling off, but he had pushed through it, thinking it was just a passing feeling. But as the day had gone on, Jin only felt worse. His head was pounding, his eyes felt heavy, and he had a deep ache in his chest.

He made his way back to the dorm that evening, collapsing on the couch in the living room. The other members were scattered around the room, some working on their own projects, others lounging and chatting. Jin felt too tired to do much of anything, and he was grateful when Jimin came over to sit by him.

"You look terrible," Jimin said, wrinkling his nose.

Jin gave him a weak smile. "Thanks, Jimin. You always know how to make me feel better."

Jimin laughed, but it was a light-hearted sound. "What's wrong, really?"

Jin took a deep breath. He didn't want the other members to worry too much, but he also didn't want to downplay how he was feeling. "I'm just really tired," he finally admitted. "And my chest hurts."

"Is it your heart?" Jungkook asked from across the room.

Jin shook his head. "No, it's more like a deep ache. And my head hurts too."

"I think you need to rest," Namjoon said quietly. "We have a few days off coming up. Maybe you should see a doctor and take some time to recover."

Jin nodded slowly, knowing that the older member was right. He didn't want to let anyone down by taking time off, but he knew he wouldn't be able to keep up with the schedule if he didn't take care of himself.

The next day, Jin made an appointment with a doctor and went in for an exam. The doctor ran some tests and took a look at his chest, but ultimately couldn't find anything wrong with him. Still, he recommended that Jin take a few days off to rest and relax.

When Jin came back to the dorm, the other members were waiting for him.

"What did the doctor say?" Jimin asked, looking concerned.

Jin shook his head. "Nothing really. He thinks I just need to rest."

"Well, let's take care of you then," Taehyung said, grinning. "We'll make sure you get plenty of rest and chicken soup and all that good stuff."

Jin smiled weakly, feeling grateful for the concern his bandmates were showing him. As the days went on, he did his best to rest and recover. He slept longer than he ever had before, ate healthy food, and drank plenty of fluids.

But despite all of that, he still felt terrible.

"I don't understand," he said to Jimin as they sat in the living room one afternoon. "I've been resting for days, but I still feel so exhausted."

"You need to give it time," Jimin said, rubbing circles on Jin's back. "Your body probably just needs to heal."

"But what if it's something serious?" Jin pressed. "What if there's something wrong with me?"

Jimin shook his head. "Stop worrying so much. You'll make yourself even more sick."

Jin knew that Jimin was right, but he couldn't help the nagging feeling of worry that settled in the pit of his stomach. He didn't want to be a burden on the group, but he also couldn't ignore how terrible he was feeling.

As the week went on, Jin continued to rest, but he still felt no better. In fact, he felt worse. His chest was heavy and tight, and he couldn't catch his breath no matter how hard he tried.

One night, he was sitting in his room, thinking about how he would tell the other members that he was still sick when he heard a knock on his door.

"Jin?" Jungkook's voice came through the door. "Can I come in?"

Jin nodded, grateful for the company. Jungkook pushed open the door and stepped into the room.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.

Jin shook his head. "I feel terrible. My chest hurts so much and I can't catch my breath."

Jungkook frowned, stepping closer to Jin. "Let me take your pulse."

With shaking hands, Jin held out his wrist to the younger member. Jungkook felt his pulse for a moment before frowning even deeper.

"Jin, we need to take you to the hospital," he said, grabbing Jin's arm and helping him stand up.

Jin didn't protest, too tired and weak to argue. Jungkook helped him out of the room and into the living room, where the other members were gathered.

"What's going on?" Namjoon asked, standing up and looking concerned.

"We need to take Jin to the hospital," Jungkook said, his voice urgent.

Without a word, the members scrambled to get their things together, grabbing jackets and hats. Jin was too weak to walk on his own, so Jungkook carried him to the car, wrapping a blanket around him to keep him warm.

At the hospital, Jin was immediately taken to the emergency room, where he was hooked up to monitors and given oxygen. The doctor ran some tests and took a look at his chest before coming back with the news.

"Jin has pneumonia," he said, his voice serious. "But we caught it early, and he should be okay with some rest and antibiotics."

The other members let out a collective breath, looking relieved.

"We'll make sure he gets plenty of rest," Jimin said, his voice gentle.

The hospital kept Jin overnight for observation, but the next day he was discharged, feeling grateful to be going back to the dorm. The other members fussed over him when he got back, making sure he had everything he needed and making him comfortable in bed.

It took several weeks for Jin to fully recover from pneumonia, but when he did, he felt a renewed sense of energy and gratitude. He never wanted to take his health for granted again, and he made sure to take better care of himself in the future. And he knew that he could always count on his bandmates to take care of him when he needed it most.

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