notes and prologue-ish

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ok so this is going to be a highschool au based of a twitter post i saw.

gerard is 17 while frank is 16 because this is a highschool au and i am not going to use their actual age gap for that because that's fucking creepy and weird and i'm not writing a professional sports au because i'm stupid and i'm not going to research anything past this.

also this is going to be unedited for a while, so bear with me. when i finish this i will go back and fix shit i swear and if i don't i give all of you readers full permission to hunt me down and punch me straight in the face.

also fair warning, lots of swearing (my b) and there will  [probably] be smut and some other stuff that could be potentially uncomfortable. [no promises]

also they look similar to current reunion tour gee and frank because the tweet was a joke based off current gee and frank.


3rd person pov

gerard ray and mikey are all spread out across the living room floor of the way household. donna is out for the night.

"gerard, truth or dare" ray speaks, smirking devilishly.

"truth" gerard responds, sly.

"god, you always pick truth. you're a fucking pussy my brother." mikey says, rolling his eyes and cackling at ray, who can't help but giggle as well

"am not"

"are too"

"am NOT"

"ARE. TOO." the brothers argue, ray and mikey giggling uncontrollably and gerard growing increasingly pissed off

"okay, you know what, to prove i'm not a pussy, i'll do whatever dare you two give me no questions asked." gerard says, venom seeping from his words.

mikey smiled a smile even satan would be afraid of, but gerard was too fucking egotistical to take it as a warning. that was just his brother.

ray leans over to whisper an idea in mikey's ear, mikey's smile growing even wider, whispering an even more devious idea back.

ray cackles.

he fucking CACKLES

like an evil witch kind of cackle.


ray and mikey look at each other for a second before nodding.

"so gerard..." mikey starts,

"we've decided..." ray continues

"that your dare is," mikey leads on

"to join the cheer squad." ray finishes, smirking at him.

gerard's eyes widen and his jaw drops.

oh. fuck.

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