Untitled Part 29

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gerard pov.

i've been getting a little more popular since lindsey had been expelled. i think it's because all the other girls on the team were being blackmailed by her or something. 

but it's nice, to have so many people liking me.

i see pete a lot more with mikey, and i see frank all the time.

i feel happy, but at the same time, so so unfulfilled. 

me and frank are sitting with eachother durning a water break when pete decides to join us.

"Brendon is throwing a party." pete says nonchalant.

frank cocks an eyebrow, i turn my head.


"yeah." he repeats. "i invited mikey buy he said he's trying to stay away from that scene right now." he says, gulping down some water from one of those dumbass gatorade water bottles.

"and?" frank says, knowing pete always has something more to say.

"i'm inviting you guys instead." he says, smirking

"no." i spit almost immediately

"fuck no." frank retorts.

"come on you guys you're so fucking lame, just one party?" pete says in his whiniest voice.

me and frank look at eachother. 

"maybe." we say at the same time, turning back to pete.

"fuck yeah! i love you two dudes!" he exclaims, fist pumping the air.

just then another, almost chubby boy walks up to the three of us, pete's face lights up in a sort of familiar fashion. my gut says something is wrong there.

"patrick! hey!" he smiles, standing up to the boy who was even shorter than him, it was almost comical.

"hi pete" he smiles and waves, then he looks at frank and i. "and- oh, hey." he smiles at us too but he's obviously very shy. 

frank stands up and i follow. 

"my names frank, this is gerard." he says, pointing at himself then me.

"hello frank, hello gerard." this new kid- patrick, i guess- says, clearly easing up a bit.

pete slings an arm around his shoulder. "guys, this is patrick from marching band." he says with a cocky grin. patrick blushes a bit.

"that's me, sorry. i'm a little uh.. awkward around new people?" he mutters. 

i nod. 

he's nice, there's nothing wrong with him, but i can't help but feel weird around him. the way he looks at pete, the way pete talks with him. it makes me nervous. 

but maybe i'm just overprotective of my brother. 

patrick is a good guy, and pete wouldn't hurt him.


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