Untitled Part 10

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frank pov

i stare at the message at my phone, it's been 5 minutes since gerard sent the text. my jaw is just agape as i stare. all the confidence i had not even an hour ago was just gone. 

i snap back to reality and start typing a message back.

'of course' no.. 'sure' no.. 'um okay right now?' nope..

'i would, what time?'

i finally manage to send.

a few seconds later i see the three dots at the bottom of the screen 

'i can head over now'

adrenaline shoots through my body, fuck... what do i do now? i wasn't fucking ready for this.


my body types without my thinking.


'123 streename way'

'alright, i'll be there in about 10 minutes'

ten minutes,

fuck, only ten minutes to prepare myself to hang out with a cute boy.

i throw my phone on my bed and pace around my room, grabbing some random shit. i head into my bathroom and throw on a pair of skinny jeans i ripped off from the ground and a misfits shirt i managed to grab too. i throw at least 3 listerine strips in my mouth and then put on some antiperspirant spray, then douse myself in a nice cologne (not fucking axe)

then i make my way back into my bedroom as fast as i can and start throwing shit into corners, trying to organize as much as i can when i hear a knowck story the door.

"SHIT!" i hiss to myself under my breath as i calmly but quickly run to the front door and open it.

i lean on the doorway trying to hide my panic. 

"gerarrrdd" i smile, looking up at the boy who wasn't MUCH taller than me. he was also wearing skinny jeans and had a blur shirt loosely on his body.

"frank" he smiles back, my heart beats faster

fuck how do you stop having heart palpitations

i step away from the doorway, and he steps in. oh my god, cute boy. in my home. what do you do now?

i swear he can sense the fear dripping from my aura because he just starts CACKLING at me. i shut the door softly. 

"what, never had a boy in your home? are you a virgin?" he smirks

i roll my eyes. "you were just acting all shy an hour ago."  i respond to him

"and you were acting like a big bad wolf an hour ago, we can be different around different people frankie." that's... actually kind of smart. fuck you gerard way.

"i know you're not as confident as you're acting right now." i say quietly. 

"i'm not." he grins widely. "but your reaction is worth it." 

i sigh and lead him to my room.

"this is.. my bedroom" i wince, looking at the disaster zone that i live in. he giggles. 

"cozy, reminds me of home." he says, sitting on my bed. i see him looking at pansy, my guitar. 

"you play?" he points at it. 

"yeah" i respond.

he smiles a gentle and warm smile. 

"play for me."

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