Untitled Part 24

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frank pov

gerard and i look back at pete and mikey and i stand up

"okay pete let's get out of here, uhm-" i clear my throat and drag pete motherfucking wentz to the door. "bye gerard, bye mikey, lovely staying here" i wave and hurriedly rush out the door before slamming it and facing the stupid emo teenager before me that was peter wentz .

"what the fuck did you do?!" i whisper should to him, shuddering at the sudden cool touch of the misty air that indicated it had just stopped raining a few hours ago. 

"i told you i kissed him!" he whisper shouted back.

"i know but what the fuck?! why? was he okay with it?! what's happening between you two now?!" i start to ramble and he groans and combs his hair back with his hands. 

"i- fuck.. he looked so pretty in that moment and i just- fuck! i went for it. the sun was rising and he he'd this gleam in his eye! he kissed back for a second but i don't fucking know what happened! god!" he groans, rambling on himself. i sigh.

"okay, well, this is some shit that YOU two need to workout." i say, pointing between him and the door. 

"i know! okay, i know. but i'm so fucking scared of confrontation frank, i-" i can tell he's genuinely upset, and i hug him. 

"pete, it's ok. he likes you." i tell him hushed. he sighs and nods.

"thank you frankie." he says, voice breaking. just then the door creaks open and mikey steps out.

i hadn't even noticed he was wearing one of pete's jackets, potentially from wearing it before their kiss. 

"..pete?" he squeaks out, his face is a dusty red color. 

"mikey.." pete responds, his hand shaking only so slightly.

"i uh.. need to talk to you." he says, fiddling with his hands. pete nods and they go back inside. i sigh, looking at the ground. just then gerard steps out, now in better clothes than he was before. 

"need me to drive you home sugar?" he asks, smiling softly. he looks like he's woken up a bit more. i smile back

"that would be great, thanks." i say, he grabs his keys and i jump into the passenger seat of his car. the drive is a little awkward.

"..what do you think is gonna happen between them?" i ask, gerard taps the wheel with his fingers.

"mikey's scared of potentially getting hurt, they're not gonna be more than people who kiss occasionally for a long time." he says, with obvious remorse for pete.

"damn. i thought they really liked eachother."

"they do."

"i know, but- fuck it, you get what i mean." i say, too tired for this shit. 

he pulls into my driveway, and we step out. i unlock the door and we're in my room just as fast as we were out of his.

"let's not think too hard about it for now, okay?" gerard says, i sigh and nod.

"they'll work it out." i say, shutting down the topic completely.

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