Untitled Part 14

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frank pov

the day after gerard and i hung out for the first time, i walk through the halls scanning for bert mccracken. i don't know why i felt the need to protect gerard like this but i just did.

i finally see him, unruly long hair tied up in an unimpressive man bun. i storm right over to him, which would've looked dumb as fuck if i wasn't a jock.

i get real close to him,

"stay the fuck away from gerard way, you hear me mccracken?"

he smirks at me like he rules the damn world.

"oh? why must i do that iero? i mean, he was interested in me first, i'm just here to take what's rightfully mine back now that he's a cheerleader." 

i scowled at him. 

"it's not 'rightfully yours' you don't fucking own him bert, and the last thing he'd ever want is to be seen with a fucking manwhore poser like you." i snap at him. i wouldn't call this a snap because i could say much worse, but to everyone else, that is what it was.

the silent jock, frank iero, shouting at big bad bert mccracken. what a sight.

"you don't seem to own him either." he says back, actually pissed off. i didn't care, i wasn't gonna be fucking scared of him.

"no, but i care about him." i say, smiling like a fucking sociopath. this really pisses him off.

"fine, go suck your boyfriend gerard's dick some more, how about that faggot?" he yells at me.

"aww, did i hit a nerve?" i say, with that fake cute tone. "i thought you wanted to suck his dick, huh.. what was it you called me, 'faggot'?" i say at him, before turning around and walking away. i was going to have the last word in this argument.

i never felt more confident, the adrenaline shooting through my body like some kind of drug. 

i felt like i was on top of the world.

the things you do to me gerard.

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