chapter 9

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"Mr. Park what he is doing here today"

"Omg, Mr.Park, I am getting to see his handsome face again today" 

I can hear some girl whispering to each other there were happy to see him.

"I thought that he had come to give a special lecture for only one day. But what he is doing here today?" Aana whisper

"Mr. Park, now are you permanent here as professor?" One of girl ask to him

"If he comes here as a permanent professor, I will not graduate as long as he stays here." Another girl shout.

"Why the fuck all these girls are behind my man, can't they find another guy to flirt with" Aana hissed.

Before Jimin reply to anyone our principal enter, "Y'all stop asking your stupid questions. Mr. Park has brought you all a wonderful opportunity to work in his company as a intern, and If your performance is good then you can also be permanent in that company."
Everyone eyes widened as hearing principal words.

"sir, you must be kidding"

"No. I'm not, I'm serious"

"you are telling the truth sir, we can really work in Mr.park's company "

"Yes, it's a dream for everyone to work in this company, so it's surprising for everyone and hard to believe, but it's true"

"Wow, This is a great opportunity to stay near Mr. Park"

"Yes, and we will get to see this handsome face everyday"

"What kind of girls they are, they are not happy that they will get to work in such a big company, they are happy that they will get to see Mr. Park daily" my nose wrinkled in disgust.

"Don't forget who they stay with, Yuri" a wrinkle formed oh Aana's nose. 

"Do we all going to work as intern in Mr. Park's company" the nerd of class ask

"No, Mr. Park will teach y'all till your last exam, and after that the students whose performance is good in the exam will be selected for the internship." Principle explain.

"It's not fair, What will happen to us, will we not get to see this handsome face daily" Sooah, Yuri bestfriend cried out.

"Yuri is lucky, that's her boyfriend's company, whether she performs well in the exam or not, she can still go to work in his company" Hari, Yuri other friend speaks.

Aana turn towards them, she says gritting teeth,"will you guys stop your bullshit"

"Why? Are you jealous of Yuri, Aana" Sooah mock. "Or are you upset because your bestfriend boyfriend choose Yuri over you bestfriend, who can't even satisfy her own boyfriend" they laugh

I hold Aana's hand who gonna punch them any second, and i turned to them,"anyway what is the job of a whore, to give satisfaction to those who are not satisfied"

"You! It seems that Jimin came and saved you last night, so you have started thinking of yourself as special, don't forget that he is my boyfriend. He'll do whatever I'll tell him to do" Yuri clenched her jaw.

"Oh please, come out of this misconception, Yuri, that Mr. Park is your boyfriend, and stop lying to yourself and to everyone."

Yuri bangs on the desk and everyone's attention turns to us.

"What's going on there" principal shout, "you girl's what's happening there, who bang on desk"

"Sir,Yuri" Aana replies fastly.

"Miss Yuri, why you did that" principal death glance her.

"Sir, Yn was talking too loudly with her friend, and when we tried to stop her, she said do whatever you can, I'll keep talking, so i banged my hand on the desk to stop her from talking" She acts innocent.

"No, Sir she is lying" i defended my self.

"yes sir Yuri is lying on the contrary she was talking loudly with her friends and we tried to stop her" Aana defended me

"No, sir she trying to protect her friend, both of them are lying"

"Stop,Yuri's pet, otherwise it won't take me much time to break your mouth."

"How dare you to say me Yuri's pet"

"How else will I speak, through my mouth, do you speak from somewhere else, and anyway, if I don't call a pet a pet, then what else should I say?"

"STOP" principal shout loudly, "you girls meet me at my office after your classes" he death glance as, "you all are getting detention"

We all look down out of embarrassment.

"I am sorry Mr. Park for their behavior, I hope that now you will not have any more distribution to the class, you can start your class, i take my leave"

Mr. Park nodded. "Everyone take your seats"

Jack come and take his seat next to me, how can I forgot he seat next to me, but now i don't want to seat near him.

"Miss Kim, come and sit in front desk, and from now on you gonna seat here" he pointed to desk in front of him. I didn't want any more drama, and I didn't want to sit with Jack anyway so,without any word i take my belongings and walk towards the front desk.

Aana look at me with sad face.

The class passed peacefully, sometimes I notice Mr. Park looking at me, whenever I look at him, his eyes are always on me.

Everyone started to leave except 5 of us, me, Aana, Yuri, and her 2 pets Sooah and Hari.

As everyone left, Aana come and seat next to me, i look at her, "I missed you" she whisper. I chuckle at her cuteness.

"Jimin are you in charge of our detention?" A high pitch voice asked.

Me, and Aana both look at Yuri who is sitting in front desk of other row.

"Mr. Park, call me Mr. Park or sir, I didn't know that you don't have this much manners that you don't call your professor by their first name."

"But jimin,-" Jimin's eye's flashed with anger. Yuri stop her words in middle as she look at him.

After that no-one say any word and did there works. 30 minutes passed and all my work is complete I turn to Aana only found her looking at me already, "i'm getting bored" she whispered

"Me too" I yawn.

Aana opens the last page of her notebook and writes something in it, she passed to me, she draw tic tac toe game.

She already draw X in front row coloum, i draw 0 in last column of front row and pass to her, then she draw X in second row first column, and pass to me i draw 0 in last row first column and pass to her, she didn't notice and draw X in second row last column, i draw 0 in middle and i won the game.

"Yahh, i won" i shout, realisation hits me what I did i look at Aana, a worried look crossed her face.

Then I slowly turn towards Mr. Park who was allready looking at me with rised eyebrow.

"Everyone detention over, you all can go"

I sighed in relief and started to pack my belongings, "except Miss Kim, you are staying for playing game in detention"

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