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ART 👆🏽 NOT MINE. Found it on Pinterest.


The voyage home took a lot longer than expected. We couldn't go under the nitrous oxide due to our unexpected pregnancy. It would be to long without food and water for the baby.

We had to stop everyday to eat and relieve ourselves. As the days passed I noticed Kara's belly getting bigger and bigger. This half Saiyan, half Kryptonian child was growing at an exponential rate.

"Hey Zen? We should stop somewhere? I'm getting hungry." Kara said over the speaker.

Her appetite gets bigger and bigger the more the baby grows.

"Yeah. Let me see what's around. Scouter! Pull up the nearest planet with enough food for my baby momma's bottomless pit of a stomach."

Kara scoffed. "Baby Momma.? You make it sound cheap." She chuckled.

Since she's been pregnant she's been more friendly towards me. I was expecting her to be furious with me, for her to start swinging at me, for her to not talk to me but it was the opposite. Yes, the day we found out she was pregnant she stopped talking to me the rest of the day but after she seemed to be happy somehow. I'm blaming the hormones for that one.

I giggled but then I got a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. Things are great right now but what kind of back lash am I going to face when we arrive on earth. Lena especially, how is she going to react to this news.

"Looks like there is a planet about an hour away."

"An hour away?"

She gets a little moody and inpatient when it comes to waiting for food.

"Don't be a baby, you'll get your food soon enough." I smiled.

The hour passed fast and we landed on a planet that smelled funny. It wasn't that bad of a smell, just kind of...off smelling. There doesn't seem to be intelligent life on this planet, just huge edible creatures.

"Whoa." Kara looked at the creatures then her stomach roared something fierce.

"Well, it's time for me to go hunting." I said stretching. "You sit back and relax. I've got this."

"Why don't you sit back and let me take care of this one." She said with a smirk and not looking away from the animals in front of us.

"Kara." I turned to her and gave her my best 'mom' look. "Your carrying precious cargo. Let me handle this. After the baby comes then you can do whatever you want."

She groaned in defeat, "Anderson was right, you Royals have all the fun."

I laughed. "Actually, would you gather fire wood. Please."

The blonde nodded and went on her way.

"Be careful! And stay where I can see you!"

Kara scoffed, "Yes! Mom!"

I know I'm sounding like a mom but I can't help it. She's carrying my child. However messed up it sounds, I was happy. Somehow I managed to kickstart a little life. I'm going to be overprotective. Even if the one creating my child is a powerful Kryptonian.

I managed to sneak up on a herd of some kind of elephant/rhino looking things. They spooked and began to run from me. Out of no where I sensed something behind me. It was more of the presence I sensed rather then a power level.

Standing behind me was a 50 ft. dinosaur/unicorn looking creature. This creature stood on its hind legs like a T-Rex but had black fur and a horn like a unicorn. It had black hair on the back of it head going down to its shoulders blades. It's arms were long and powerful with sharp claws at the end. This creature was scary and beautiful at the same time.

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