You Reap What You Woe 5.7

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Before Y/n and Wednesday could go back to Nevermore to meet their mother, they were held back in the woods, where Xavier had left Ajax's family to talk to the girls. 

"wait up, Y/n/n.", he said, grabbing her shoulder, gently holding her back.
She had noticed his presence fast, and her eyes met his. For a quick moment, Y/n felt more at ease, calm even; but one look at her sister made every one of Y/n's problems appear in her mind again. 
Y/n also didn't want to deal with the boy and his confusing, distracting, weirdly beautiful presence. 
"I have a lot on my mind right now, Xavier.", she sighed. "what do you want?"

Wednesday just gave him a glare.

"I'm sorry if I bother you, I just wanted to ask how you two are dealing with... everything.", he said. 
"uh... I uh- I gotta go. I don't have time to talk, but maybe later?", Y/n quickly asked. She'd rather talk to him in private and didn't want to seem vulnerable in front of her sister. 
Wednesday didn't know anything about her feeling-attacks.

"alright, just... come by when you need to talk.", the boy suggested with a sympathetic smile. 

"okay.", Y/n nodded, feeling some sense of desire to hug him again. It was immediately replaced with the feeling of disgust and embarrasment at herself. 
She shook off the feeling.
Thery had more important matters at hand. 
"we gotta go, sorry."

"it's fine.", the boy said and watched, as the girls left for the secret library of the Nightshades.


"hello Mother.", Wednesday said, watching the elder woman, whilst walking down the stairs. Y/n followed. 

Their mother turned around, a smile forming on her face: "hello, girls... So, you are Nightshades. That didn't take long."

"actually, we rejected them.", Y/n replied, walking closer, so the three met in the middle of the circular room.

"why? Because I was a member?", Morticia turned to Y/n.

"we'll never live up to your legacy here, so why should we try?", Wednesday said. "We win the Poe Cup, you claimed it four times. We join the fencing team, you captained it. Why would you send us somewhere we could only ever exist in your shadow?"
"it's not a competition, Wednesday."

"everything is a competition, Mother.", Wednesday said stubbornly. "But mostly we rejected them because they're a trivial social club."

"we used to be so much more.", the woman smiled, recalling all the memories. "our mission was to protect outcasts from harm and bigotry. In fact, the group was started by ancestors of your father's from Mexico. One of the first settlers in America."

"Goody and Willow.", Y/n whispered.
When she noticed how her mother had heard her, she quickly added: "I saw their painting at Pilgrim World."

"oh.", Morticia commented: "how ironic, since they were the ones who killed Joseph Crackstone. The Nightshades were their secret, but deadly, answer to his oppression... I know why you two have come here. So go on. Ask."

"Father didn't kill Garrett Gates, did he?", Y/n asked. 

"no.", Morticia answered, her expression cold. "By the time I made it up the stairs, I found your father fighting for his life. It was terrifying... I'll never forget the way Garrett looked at me. He was even foaming at the mouth. It was like I was staring into the eyes of a rabid beast. Before he could reach your Father, I grabbed the sword. It was only when I heard the scream, that I realized what I had done. Your father was so... calm and brave. He took the blame in order to protect me. I was so grateful when they cleared him of any wrongdoing... But I knew... someday this would come back to haunt us.", the woman was close to tears by now. 

Just then, Y/n put some puzzle pieces together in her mind. If she had learned one thing, then how to think about murder in the correct way. 

"You said he was foaming at the mouth. His eyes didn't look human."

"I've never seen someone so blinged by rage.", their Mother recalled. 

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