Chapter 4 | Palpatine VS. Ovirelt

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The topic of cloning had little to no research on the subject which left Palpatine very little to argue with. Palpatine did find a few stray Youth Senators desperate for leadership, so he supposed that was good since they were willing to join his anti-cloning coalition. 

Ovirelt already had a dozen cult members added to her "cloning is growing" group. It was the worst catchphrases he had ever heard. Even worse than what the Gungans had come up with for their battle song.

His meager dream team was a few strays: a Mandalorian named Nitch Nock. An Alderaaian named Jeivin Lan. And a Wookie named Floffikrroshtorraschiyahn, his nickname was Floffi.

Said Mandalorian and Wookie were grappling with each other over a Raging Rancor. The Alderaanian Youth Senator was glowering at the Mandalorian. Jaxious was conversing with Palpatine.

The rest of the Senators/mentors were chatting away, talking about the driest topic: politics. They observed their mentees from afar.

The rest of the Youth Senators had ducked out of the Model Galactic Republic. Supposedly the Youth Senator from Kessel had brought some enticing goods.

It was Palpatine and his dream team against Ovirelt's cult of at least a dozen. Her supporters were obviously destined to be the gullible ones to be bribed in politics.

"Palpatine, you have such a limited scope. You're just afraid of change. Cloning could be good for the Republic." Ovirelt insisted. Her cultists nodded behind her. 

Palpatine slammed his fist onto the pod. "Key word: could. Do you know what terribleness it could do? So little is known about it, and it should be treated with caution."

"Well, I could say cloning could save people from death." Ovirlet proposed. "For example, let's say that you weren't so lucky yesterday. What would happen if some vital organs of yours failed on you. What—"

Palpatine told her coolly. "Don't bring that into this." He could feel his mentor's gaze trained on him. Palpatine knew very well that his face was only getting redder, but he tried to keep himself composed.

"Don't interrupt me." Ovirelt barked. "As I was saying. Cloning could become healthcare. Cloning could help technology and society grow."

Chancellor Harrow who was watching the debate arched his purple eyebrow at that comment.

Palpatine internally rolled his eyes as her cultists crowed. "Cloning is growing."

Jaxious stepped in. "Erm but Youth Senator Ovirelt wouldn't that healthcare idea create ethical and moral issues?" Jaxious paused as he realized he had the convocation's attention. "Ovirelt you're insinuating that we would be using their organs which would therefore be, uh...killing them."

Palpatine looked to Jaxious. "Yes, Jaxious, good point." He looked back to Ovirelt. "So, you would allow living and breathing beings to die? Beings with feelings?" Palpatine leaned back and steepled his fingers. "That doesn't seem very...respectable to me."

Ovirelt huffed and changed her vantage. "I am for the Republic. I am for the good of our people." She banged her fist on the table. "I declare that Coruscant approves cloning." The cultists behind her shouted their agreements.

Palpatine countered her. "There will be no our, us, you, or I if clones exist. Our sense of individuality will be foresworn. Could you imagine another Ovirelt running around? Another me?" he pointed to another Senator. "Another of you? No, it's unimaginable. You must consider the uncertainties, Ovirelt."

Ovirelt scoffed at that.

Palpatine banged his fist on the table and announced, "Naboo, Gorrento, Mandalore, Alderaan, and Kashyyyk reject cloning."

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